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Ⅰ 幼兒園英語公開課教案


Ⅱ 幼兒園英語教案,學習seven,eight,nine,

5、為了提高幼兒興趣一起學兒歌《數字歌謠》:數字寶寶是一家,十個數字十個樣,大家來學數字歌,一邊數數一邊唱。One one就是一,一棵小樹站得直。你說one我對one,大家一起來說one。Two two那是二,兩只小鴨叫嘎嘎,你說two我對two,兩個娃娃笑哈哈。Three three數字三,三角尺上有三邊,你說three我對three,三朵荷花飄河面。Four four叫做四,瓶中四支紅玫瑰,你說four我對four,一張板凳四條腿。Five five我叫五,國旗上面五顆星,你說five我對five,五扇玻璃亮晶晶。Six six叫做六,六條小魚水中游,你說six我對six,六隻小貓岸上耍。Seven seven就是七,彩虹七色掛天上,你說seven我對seven,北斗七星指方向。Eight eight 數字八,螃蟹八爪滿地爬,你說eight我對eight,地里結出八個瓜。Nine nine那是九,九棵桂花滿園香,你說nine我對nine,九隻蜜蜂采蜜忙。Ten ten數字,十個手指湊熱鬧,你說ten我對ten,十個腳趾跑不掉。one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten。十個數字很重要,我們大家要記牢。

Ⅲ 求一篇幼兒園英語教案及說課稿

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Ⅳ 幼兒園英語教案four good friends

good friends -英語教案 Aims:
1 .talk about friends and friendship,and learn to make apologies. 2. discuss problems occurring in a friendship and suggestion solutions. 3. practice talking about likes and dislikes. 4. Learn to write an e-mail to find an e-pal. 生詞(New lexis) :
1. From text : honest brave loyal wise handsome smart argue classical fond match mirror fry hammer saw rope movie cast deserted hunt share sorrow feeling airplane lie in speech adventure notebook error 2. Addition vocal : fond
of hunt for in order to care about such as drop sb a line 句型( structure) :直接引語和間接引語(1): 1.轉述他人的敘述—陳述句
「I like reading adventure stories .」said John . John said that he liked reading adventure stories.
「I don』t enjoy computers ,」Sarah said to her friend. Sarah told her friends that she did』t enjoy computers. 2. 轉述他人的疑惑—一般疑問句 「Ann ,have you seen my blue notebook ?」Peter asked. peter asked Ann if she had seen his blue notebook. 3.轉述他人的問題—特殊疑問句
「what differences does it make ?」Peter asked Jim . Peter asked Jim what differences it made. 語法(Grammar): 1.likes and dislikes :
he /she likes /loves „ he /she is fond of „
my interests/favorites hobbies are reading and singing .
he /she don』t like „

he /she doesnt enjoy „ he /she hates „ he /she thinks „is terrible /boring 2.making apologies :
you said that you would „ why did』t /did you „? you promised to „why did』t you „? please forgive me .
I』m very sorry „it happened again . I』m sorry I forget.
熱身運動(Warming up) :make a discussion
what should a good friend be like ? What qualities should a good friend have ? Should they be funny ,smart or strong ? Use the words in the box
below to describe a 5-star friend . You can use other words in you like. e.g. A: I think a friend should be kind.
B: A good friend is someone who makes me happy. 例如:A: I think a friend should be kind.
B: A good friend is someone who makes me happy. Describe yourself in three words and then describe one of your friends .
I think I am_______ ________and ________. I think he/she is ________ ________and ________. 課前閱讀(pre --reading):
Imagine that you are alone on an island .you have to survive without friends and all things you use in your everyday life. Which of the items in the box would be the most useful to you on the island ?list the three items and explain why you think they would be useful.
1.I think that________would be most useful, because I could use it_______ ,to_______and to________.
2.I also think that_______would be useful ,because I could use it
to_______,to_______and _______.

3.____________________________________________ 課文(reading):
In the movie cast away ,Tom Hanks plays a man named Chunk is a businessman who is always to busy that he has little time for his friends .He is a successful manager in a company that sends mail all over the world .One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes , Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.
On the island ,Chuck has to learn to survive all alone .He has to learn to collect water , hunt for food ,and make fire .
perhaps the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends .In order to survive ,Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend------a volleyball he calls Wilson .
Chuck learns a lot about himself when he is alone on the island .He realizes that he has』t been a very good friend because he was always been thinking about himself .During
his four years on the island ,Chuck learns how to be a good friend to Wilson .Even though Wilson is just a volleyball,he becomes fond of him ,he talks to him and treats to have someone to care about ,he also learns that he should have care more about his friends ,when he makes friends .when he makes friends with Wilson ,he understand that friendship is about feelings and that we must give as much as take.
A volleyball is certainly to unusual friend our friend . Most of friends are human beings ,but we also make friends with animals and even things .For example ,many of us have pets , and we all have favorite objects , such as lucky pen or diary . The lesson we can learn form Chunk and all the others who have unusual friends is that friends are teachers .Friends helps us understand who we are ,why we need each other and we can do for each other.

Ⅳ 急需一份幼兒園中班1-10序數的英語教案(公開課)

哪有一節課講這么多的,都是分幾節將的。 http://www.yeyja.com具體你去我網站查。

Ⅵ 幼兒園一二三四五的英語教案














Ⅶ 幼兒園大班英語教案 nature

1 幼兒園大班英語教案:shoes 目標: 1.學會新單詞: orts shoes, sli ers, just right, tight 2.運用新單詞簡單的組成句型,並適當的進行對話。 准備:運動鞋,拖鞋,磁帶 過程: 一. Greeting Hello ,how are you ? What ...『s the weather like today ? What the day is today ? 二. Warming 《The sun》、《The moon》 三. 新授 1. Gue What』s in the bag ? It』s …… They are …… 2.One by one 3. 示範 (1)老師示範:let me try them on. 1. They are tight . They are not my size. 2. They are just right. They are my size. (2) 幼兒示範: T:how do you feel? S:They are tight . They are not my size They are just right. They are my size. 4. Game 幼兒圍成圈,把自己的鞋子脫下來放在面前,聽音樂,聽老師指令。 Do you want to try? Ok ,take off your shoes Stand up. 聽音樂,幼兒圍圈走,音樂停,拿起面前的鞋子穿上。 How do you feel? 多遍游戲,開始可由老師問,幼兒熟練以後可讓幼兒問。 5.結尾 Sing a song 「The more we get together 」 邊唱邊繼續轉圈,演唱結束 Find your shoes, put them on. 2 幼兒園大班英語教案:音樂活動《Ten Little India Children》 設計意圖: l 音樂活動是我園的特色之一,它帶給幼兒的感覺是自由、輕松而愉悅。本次活動是將雙語滲透於音樂活動的一種新的嘗試,教師希望通過此次活動能讓幼兒學習雙語的積極性得以最大限度地發揮。在一次很偶然的談話中,我從幼兒的談話中了解到,幼兒對童話故事《白雪公主》中的「小矮人」形象非常喜愛,而且平時也總是饒有興趣地哼唱《十個小矮人》這首歌。於是,我便抓住幼兒這一興趣,設計了這個活動,從幼兒的主體出發,讓幼兒能主動、積極地參與雙語活動,活動中教師能與幼兒上下互動,能讓幼兒自信地發音並能自如地、心情愉快地學習樂曲。 活動目標: 1、初步學習歌曲《Ten Little Indian Children》,能大聲地用英語來演唱。 2、復習雙語單詞one——ten,會與數字1——10相對應。 3、通過音樂游戲復習第5—7冊英語句子提高幼兒學習雙語的興趣。 4、培養幼兒感受音樂,熱愛大自然的美好情感。 教學重難點: 1、認識單詞one—ten,會與數字1—10相對應。 2、學習新的樂曲《Ten Little Indian Children》,初步掌握歌詞與旋律。 活動准備: 1、印有英語單詞one——ten的車票兩套。 2、情景布置圖及汽車座位上粘上數字1——10兩排。 3、畫有印第安小朋友的圖片若干。 4、一套含有中英文的短句,如:一個小孩 one little 。 5、幼兒人手一個小背包,包內放有英語句子紙條兩份。 6、幼兒水筆人手一份,教師事先在十個小指上畫有簡單的臉譜。 活動過程: 一、開始部分: up2; 以旅遊售票的游戲導入,復習數字1—10的英語單詞。(播放背景音樂) T:小朋友,今天天氣真好,讓我帶你們去旅遊吧!Let』s go! (跟著音樂做簡單的律動) T:瞧,孩子們!車站到了,請你們去售票員阿姨那買票,然後根據你的車票上車找相應的座位號,趕快行動吧! (幼兒進行買票入座游戲,根據票上的英文找座位上的數字相匹配) T:小朋友都找到座位了。OK!我現在要來核對一下你的車票是否和你所坐的座位號相符合,請你用響亮的聲音從1—10的順序報出你的車票號碼。Do you understand?[Yes!]OK! You pleas! (幼兒用響亮的聲音報出車票號碼,教師根據幼兒所報號碼進行核對,並糾正個別幼兒的發音。) T:OK! Very good. 經過核對,你們的車票與座位號都相吻合。請小朋友保管好你們的票,把它放在口袋裡,放好了嗎?車要開了。(播放音樂,做簡單律動。) 二、基礎部分: up2; 引導幼兒認識、理解歌詞,初步熟悉歌曲旋律。 1、以游戲性的方式引出主題。 T:小朋友快看,我們到印第安了。瞧,那邊還有許多Indian Children 在迎接我們呢。快打個招呼吧!Hello, Indian Children. T:拿出你們的照相機給他們拍張照片吧。(形象性的做手勢照相) 2、初步熟悉歌詞。 T:小朋友們我們下車了。讓我們來數一數這里有幾個Indian Children. (師生一同用英語進行點數) T:OK!Ten Indian Children. 現在請你們來看一下我拍的照片,好嗎?(邊出示圖片邊請幼兒說出照片上有幾個小孩) 非常棒,Indian Children都在誇你們呢,老師告訴你們『一個小孩』是用英語one little來表示的,跟老師說…… T:老師知道你們的英語學得非常棒,請你們把旁邊的中英文短句貼放在相應的照片下。(將幼兒分為兩組進行匹配) 3 幼兒園大班英語教案:What do you want?I want…… What do you want?I want…… Teaching Plan What do you want?I want…… Teaching Aims: 1、復習水果的英語名稱,初步掌握句型What do you want?I want…… 2、在游戲中感知新句型並體驗英語游戲的樂趣。 Teaching Aids: a basket some fruits some fruit』s cards a dice two trees Teaching Ste : 一、Greeting T: Hello,Good noon,boys and girls! C: Hello,Good noon,Melody!. T:What do you see?Look,I have a beautiful basket.There are some fruits in it!Look,what』s this? :It』s a…… 二To learn 1 Show a pu et to students.Teacher and pu et each other say: 「What do you want?I want…… 2 Show a dice to students. T:What』s this? ice. T:Now,I』ll ask:What do you want?You』ll a wer:I want…… OK?(The teacher first turn the dice,as turn as ask: 「 What do you want?」Then the students ask:「I want……」) 3 Show the fruit』s cards on the blackboard. T:What are these? :Some fruits. T: What do you want? :I want……(If they』ll say great,then put down the fruit』s cards from the blackboard and give them.) 4將小朋友分成紅隊和藍隊,請兩隊摘樹上的水果.每隊各選5名代表上來,分別為NO.1—NO.5,當下面的小朋友說: 「What do you want?」時,NO.1—NO.5的小朋友根據老師的指令說: 「I want……」哪個隊的代表說得又快又好,採下的水果就歸哪個隊. 5 將小朋友分成5個小組,每個小組一個球,拋的說: 「What do you want?」接的說: 「I want……」. T:Cla is over.Let』s stand up and turn back.To other teachers say:thank you,bye-bye. 4 幼兒園大班英語教案:English song 「Do you know the fireman」 英語活動設計 活動名稱:English song 「Do you know the fireman」 活動目標: 1、感受歌曲節奏特點,喜歡和老師小朋友一起用英文演唱,游戲。 2、結合圖片實物了解歌曲中人物的職業。 活動准備: 1,圖片:醫生、護士、警察、司機、廚師 2,玩具:聽診器、注射器、槍、方向盤、鍋鏟 玩具箱 3,已掌握一些職業的名稱 活動過程: 1、師生問候,引出主題,並復習以前掌握的人物職業名稱。 T:Hello, boys and girls. C:Hello, Jane. T:Your are my good friends. but I have lots of friends. Gue ! Who are they? (逐一出示圖片,引出新單詞——fireman.) T: what』s her/his job? C: she/he is a doctor /nurse/ policeman/cooker/driver.



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