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Ⅰ 幼兒園親子活動搓湯圓教案與反思怎麼寫

活動目標: 通過看看、講講了解過新年時的一些風俗習慣,引導幼兒嘗試自己動手搓湯圓,體驗過新年的快樂氣氛。 活動准備: 1、《新年好》的音樂磁帶; 2、《新年好》Flash; 3、橡皮泥人手一盒; 4、盤子每組一個; 5、角色游戲房的娃娃家場景。 活動過程: 一、激發興趣,導入主題。 教師播放歌曲《新年好》,告訴幼兒新年來到了。 教師提問:寶寶,你們覺得過新年最開心的是什麼事呀? 幼兒交流討論。 教師小結:你們過新年的時候可以穿新衣服、吃糖果、拿紅包…… 二、播放Flash。(過新年放鞭炮、吃湯圓。) 1.教師播放Flash:我們來看看別人的新年是怎麼過的? 2.幼兒欣賞、交流。 3.師小結:過新年是最重要的節日,在新年裡很多人都會放鞭炮,一家人還會開開心心在一起吃湯圓,吃湯圓表示團團圓圓的意思。 三、操作探索。 1.教師:寶寶,那我們也來試試做好吃的湯圓吧。 2.教師示範做湯圓的步驟:先取一小塊橡皮泥放在手掌心,用另一個手掌蓋在橡皮泥上,來回團、搓,一個小小的圓圓的湯圓就做好了。 3.幼兒操作,教師巡迴指導。(配背景音樂《賣湯圓》)提醒幼兒將搓好的湯圓放在桌上的小盤子里。 四、延伸活動。 帶幼兒去角色游戲房,把做好的湯圓放進娃娃家的鍋子里,模仿煮湯圓的場景,體驗過新年的快樂。

Ⅱ 幼兒園親子活動搓湯圓教案與反思怎麼寫

要環節很清楚地再現,即開始環節、基本環節、結束環節、延伸環節。註:重點表述基本環節) 一、教師吆喝「賣湯圓,賣湯圓,又香又甜的湯圓,大家快來買喲。」引起幼兒興趣。 二、幼兒學搓湯圓 老師先示範搓湯圓的方法,幼兒模仿。 為幼兒提供面團和面條,讓幼兒自由取用。 幼兒自由組合,分成幾組,把湯圓搓好後放到各組的盤子里。 老師注意觀察幼兒的不同發展水平,需要不同的幫助,從而提供幼兒主動探索的支架。 三、賣湯圓 老師和幼兒把湯...〖詳細〗

Ⅲ 急求外語好者幫忙翻譯一篇幼兒園大班教案,希望每一句話都能翻譯出來 謝謝!急求!!!中文教案如下

Moving target: 1, can be more clearly sing songs. 2, can compose a simple action. 3, feel good and happy companions to each other a happy new year. Active process: First, the voice training. Teacher: Good kids - Child: Teacher Hello meters - Second, talk into the theme, memory lyrics, singing teacher demonstration. 1, the division: the new year soon to come, but also a long-year-old children immediately, and you open not happy ah? How do you New Year's? What would you say mom and dad, good friend said something? (Guide children to say "Happy New Year") is now with us on the Qin teacher said: "Happy New Year!" 1, Division: except to say Happy New Year, it will do anything to celebrate the New Year? (To guide children to say singing, dancing) 2, Division: just children, said the New Year, we would like the people around say "Happy New Year", but also singing, dancing to celebrate the New Year. And now, just put the Mi teacher said the children sing with the song, please listen carefully Oh! (Teacher sings.) Third, learn to sing songs. 1, memory lyrics. Teachers led the children according to the rhythm of chant music lyrics twice. Teacher: Now, please join me to say lyrics. 2 steel with teachers, children sing along. Collective sing twice. Teacher: Now I came to play the piano, singing along with you. Boys and girls were singing again. Now, I have to boys and girls were invited to sing and see the good boys or girls to sing the good songs! Girls first. Teacher: Girls sing, OK? We clap his hands together to celebrate their look. Now boys to sing. Teacher: Boys sing, OK? We also clap his hands in recognition of their look. 3, please indivial children to sing. Teacher: I now learn the fastest, best singer in the children to sing. 3, the teachers do not have steel company, and children singing together. Teacher: Now we sing this song together, I do not play the piano. Fourth, compose a simple action. 1, you think you say "Happy New Year", for what action? (See the performance of indivial children, teachers lead the children in his actions say "Happy New Year") Teacher: he moves me to try it. Who else do the same action and others do not? Try. 2, continues to compose "Congratulations to everyone Happy New Year, we sing, we dance," the action. Teacher: When you sing you Happy New Year, congratulations, you will do step? Teacher: When you sing, "We sing, we dance", you will do action? 3, the teachers said the action from the children, pick out good songs out of the action (children singing, action). Teacher: Now, I use the action you have just said that to sing this song. Optimistic about the ah. 4, please do the movements of indivial children to side while singing, accompanied by Teachers steel. Teacher: Now who wants to try with your own actions, and I'll play the piano, you sang to do the movements. (More please a few) 5, the collective singing, action. Teacher: Now, all rose. We all sing together, everyone doing their own actions. Are you ready? (Piano teacher) end of the event: Division: New Year is coming, boys, Happy New Year! (Guide children interaction) Teacher: Please also with the people around you Tell me. Again collectively to fellow teachers, nurses, said: XXX, Happy New Year 希望能幫到你。。。~~~

Ⅳ 急需幼兒園中班音樂—新年好 公開課教案!謝謝


Ⅳ 幼兒園學前班《與節日有關的字》教案

活動目標: 1、熟悉歌曲旋律,感受演唱新年的氣氛。 2、用聲音來表現新年的歡樂。 活動准備: 鋼琴、配班老師扮新年爺爺 活動過程: 一、律動 《日常生活模仿動作》、《我們大家做得好》、《小雞叫、小貓叫、小鴨叫》。 二、練聲 《我愛我的小動物》、《好寶寶》。 三、新授歌曲《新年好》。 1、新年爺爺出場:「小朋友們你們好!你們知道我是誰嗎?」(新年爺爺)呦!!原來小朋友都認識我呀!今天我要和小朋友一起迎接新年的到來我真高興!小朋友高興嗎?(高興 )我今天還帶了許多的禮物來呢,這些禮物會送給誰呢?我會把它送給上課認真,坐得端正愛表演的小朋友。 新年快要到了,我今天不僅帶了許多禮物來,我還有許多祝福的話要送給小朋友哦!你們要聽清楚哦!聽聽祝福的話都說了些什麼?看誰聽得最認真。「小朋友,新年好!祝你們新年快樂!」小朋友們我剛剛都說了些什麼祝福的話呀!(幼兒回答)小朋友說的真好!新年爺爺還把這些祝福的話編成了一首歌曲,歌曲的名字就叫《新年好》歌曲的名字叫什麼呀?(教師帶領幼兒完整回答)歌曲的名字叫《新年好》。小朋友想聽嗎?(想)那小朋友聽新年爺爺把歌曲唱一遍(教師清唱一遍)歌曲的名字叫什麼呀。(歌曲的名字叫《新年好》)這首歌好聽嗎?(好聽)你們知道這首歌為什麼這么好聽嗎?因為這是一首三拍子的歌,三拍子怎麼打呢?你們看新年爺爺打一下!(教師示範打節奏),小朋友在打三拍子的時候呀,第一下要拍的重一些,第二下拍的輕一些,第三下在輕一些。現在請小朋友把小手伸出來我們一起來打三拍子好嗎?(好)師幼一起打拍子。小朋友拍的真好聽,很有節奏,現在請小朋友聽新年爺爺邊彈琴邊唱歌好不好呀?(好)小朋友要聽清楚哦!聽聽歌曲裡面都些什麼祝福的話,爺爺等會要問你們哦!(教師彈琴師范唱)小朋友都聽到了什麼祝福的話呀?(個別回答)誒!這些小朋友說得真好!現在請小朋友一起打著拍子跟著琴聲和爺爺念念歌詞(念一至兩遍)小朋友們念的真好聽!我們一起用甜美的歌聲把它唱出來,好嗎?(好)師幼齊唱。這會爺爺有點累了,想請小朋友大聲的唱,我小聲的唱好嗎?(好)在過新年的時候,我們都很高興、很開心是不是啊?(是)那我們就用甜美的歌聲高高興興的唱出來好不好啊?(好)爺爺聽聽誰的聲音最好聽,誰的表情最高興!(師幼在唱一次)小朋友唱的真好聽! 2、現在請小朋友一起站起來,跟著新年爺爺一起唱吧、跳吧!(幼兒和教師圍著新年樹跟著音樂一起唱歌、跳舞)。今天新年爺爺和小朋友一起過新年真高興、真開心現在爺爺要送你們禮物啦! 3、新的一年就要到啦!小朋友們又長大一歲了,在新的一年裡小朋友該怎麼做呢?我們要更加的懂禮貌,愛學本領是不是啊?(是)小朋友聽,新年的鍾聲敲響了(教師用打擊樂敲三次)我們把心中最美好的祝福送給我們最愛的人,送給爸爸、媽媽,送給幼兒園的老師!祝她們:「新年快樂」現在讓我們對老師說出我們心中的祝福吧!師幼一起大聲的說:「祝老師新年快樂!」

Ⅵ 求幼兒園聖誕節目串詞,《成語接龍》《十二生肖》《火花》《新年好》《HAPPY寶貝》

鼠目寸光 鼠牙雀角 鼠竊狗盜



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