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① 小學六年級英語畢業試卷


② 小學六年級語文數學英語的畢業考的試卷及答案

1.在「獻我愛心、救我同胞」——廣州全民捐款賑災大行動的晚會中,許多單位和個人再行善舉,當場募捐人民幣167050700元。這個數讀作: 元,把它改寫成用「億元」作單位的數是 億元。
2.3/4=( )(小數)=( )(百分數)= 12﹕( )=( )折
3.4.077噸= 千克 100秒= 分 秒
4.如果小明向西走100米,記作-100米,那麼小剛向東走50米,記作 米。6月份,小麗的父親領取工資2800元,記作+2800元,那麼購買食品用去980元,記作 元。
5.今年2月,張叔叔把10000元存入銀行,存期一年,年利率2.25%。到期時應得利息 元,按5%的利息稅計算,應繳納利息稅 元。
6.在一個長12CM、寬8CM、高16CM的長方體中剝出一個體積最大的圓柱體,這個圓柱的體積是 。
7.做一根長3米,管口直徑0.2米的圓柱形白鐵皮通風管,至少需要白鐵皮 平方米。
8. 同學們去採集植物標本,四年級採集了a個,六年級採集的個數是四年級的3倍,六年級采
集了 個。當a=20時,六年級比四年級多採集 個。
9.在直角三角形ABC中,兩直角邊分別是AB和BC,AB=4CM、BC=3CM,將直角三角形以直角邊AB為軸旋轉一周,所得立體圖形的體積是 立方厘米。
10.1路和2路公共汽車早上7時同時從起始站發車,1路車每隔5分鍾發一輛車,2路車每隔4分鍾發一輛車。這兩路車第二次同時發車的時間是 。
11.一個衛生間的地面由黑白兩種顏色的地磚鋪成(如下圖)。黑白地磚鋪地面積的比是 。如果這個衛生間的面積是10平方米,黑顏色的地磚面積是 平方米。



表中單價與數量成 比例。如果用這些錢購買40本筆記本,每本的單價是 元。
13、一個圓柱和一個圓錐體等底等高,它們的體積和是72立方分米,這個圓錐比圓柱的體積少 。
1.在下面形狀的硬紙片中,有3個可以折成一個正方體。不能折成正方體的是 。


3.某車間有工人48人,那麼這個車間男職工與女職工的人數比不可能是 。
① 1﹕1 ② 1﹕2 ③ 3﹕2 ④ 5﹕3
4.將一張正方形紙連續對折3次後展開,其中一份占這張正方形紙的 。
①1/3 ② 1/4 ③ 1/8 ④ 無法確定
5.△△□○△△□○△△□○……照這樣排列,左起第50個圖形是 。
① △ ② ○ ③ □ ④ 無法確定
6.一次數學考試,5名同學的分數從小到大排列是76分、82分、a分、86分、92分,他們的平均分可能是 。
① 75分 ② 84分 ③ 86分 ④ 93分
三、計算 26分
2.8+4.02= 2.5×41= 23.4÷10= 1.5+6-1.5
1/2-1/3 = 4.8÷12= 1/3÷1/9 = 3.9×5×1/3=
1.89+3.6+6.4+0.11 1又2/3 -5/9 × 1又1/2- 1/6

1.2×99+1.2 [3/4—(4/5 -3/10 ) ]×8/11

x+3/4x= 2.1 2.7÷120%x= 9 (13-X)×3/4=6

四、操作實踐 11分

(1)用數對表示A點的位置是( , )。
(2)以A點為圓心,畫一個半徑為3厘米的圓。算一算,這個圓的面積是 平方厘米。

(1) 6路公共汽車從火車站出發,向( )偏( )( )。方向到達圖書館。
(2) 由圖書館向( )方向到達醫院,再向( )偏( )( )。方向到達
(3)已知少年宮到中心廣場的實際距離是4千米。量一量,算一算這幅圖的比例尺是 (3分)


2.小亮現在的身高是1.53米,比出生時的3倍多0.03米。小亮出生時的身高是多少米? (列方程解答)



5. 荷花小學一~三年級男、女生人數情況統計如下表。





(2) 年級的人數最少。
(3)平均每個年級有 人。
(4)三年級男生比女生多 %。

③ 人教版六年級英語畢業試卷

1. have a sore throat 2.感冒

3. watch TV 4.發燒

5. buy presents 6.學英語

7. play the piano 8.踢足球

9. wash clothes 10.吃好吃的


1.sad(反義詞) 2.did(原形)

3.big(比較級) 4.play(過去式)

5.thin( 比較級) 6.have(第三人稱單數形式)

7.take(過去式) 8.come(現在分詞)

9.can′t(完全形式) 10. know(同音詞)


1. monkey , do , which , you , like

2. 4cm , you′re , than , me , taller

3. have , a , headache , do , you

4. Li Yun , where , on , her , did , go , holiday

5. danced , I , sang , and


1.A sperm whale is than a killer whale.( long)

2. The rabbit′s tail is than the monkey′s.( short)

3. What you do last weekend ? (do)

4. I to a park yesterday. (go)

5. How big are your ? (foot)


( )1. did you do on your holiday ?

A. Where B. What C. When

( ) 2. I sang and danced my new friends.

A. wish B. in C. and

( ) 3. How your holiday ?

A. was B. is C. are

( ) 4. the 4th , I did my homework.

A. in B. at C. on

( ) 5. He jumped into the lake and to it .

A. swim B. swimming C. swam

( ) 6. Where did you go ?

A. tomorrow B. today C. yesterday

( ) 7. I my room and watched TV .

A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning

( ) 8. Chen Jie a stomachache.

A. have B. has C. had

( ) 9. Tom looks than Lucy.

A. happy B. happier C. happiest

( ) 10. The road is than that one.

A. wider B. widest C. wide


I have two friends. They are twins. Their names are Lucy and Lily. Lucy always has a big smile on her face. She′s a happy girl. She has many friends. They all like her very much. Lily is always in a bad mood. She often looks sad, angry or board.

She has only a few friend.

( ) 1. Lucy is always happy.

( ) 2. Lucy has only a few friend.

( ) 3. Lucy and Lily are sisters.

( ) 4. Lily always has a big smile on her face.

( ) 5. Their friend all like them.

④ 小學六年級下冊英語畢業考試卷

嘿嘿 不能懷有僥幸心理阿

⑤ 小學六年級畢業考試英語試卷和答案

擦雜雜草西安擦抄擦擦擦擦擦 擦亮襲眼睛擦擦擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛 擦亮眼睛擦擦亮眼睛擦擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛擦擦亮眼睛擦擦擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛把柄 把把柄把柄把柄 把握機會 把把把把柄把把把柄把柄 大案要案大案要案大案要案大案要案撒手不管挲挲挲挲挲挲

⑥ 2015年六年級畢業考試卷英語

2014年小學六年級數學畢業水平能力測試卷2 (考試時間:100分鍾,滿分100分) 題號 一 二 三 四 五 六 總分 評分 一、填空。(25分) 1、 哈利法塔,原名迪拜塔,總高828米,是世界第一高樓與人工建築物,總投資1495000000元,這個數讀作( ),四捨五入到億位約是( )億元。 2、 明年第二十屆世界盃將在巴西舉行,明年是( )年,全年有( )天。 3、5.05L=( )L( )mL 2小時15分=( )分 4、( )÷36=20:( )= =( )(小數) =( )% 5、把3米長的鐵絲平均分成8份,每份是這根鐵絲的( ),每份長( )米。 6、與0.8的最簡整數比是( ),它們的比值是( )。 7、甲數的等於乙數的,乙數與甲數的比是( ),甲數比乙數少( )%。 8、小明在測試中,語文、數學和英語三科的平均分是a分,語文和數學共得b分,英語得( )分。 9、5克糖放入20克水中,糖占糖水的( )%。 10、一個3mm長的零件畫在圖上是375px,這幅圖的比例尺是( )。 11、一個長方體的棱長總和是48厘米,並且它的長、寬、高是三個連續的自然數,這個長方體的表面積是( )平方厘米,體積是()立方厘米。 12、以一個直角邊分別是5厘米和3厘米的直角三角形其中一條直角邊為軸旋轉一周會得到一個圓錐體,這個圓錐的體積是( )立方厘米。 13、把一個棱長是8厘米的正方體削成一個最大的圓柱體,這個圓柱的表面積是( )平方厘米,削去的體積是( )立方厘米。 二、判斷。(5分) 1、全校102名教師,到會100名,因此出勤率為100%。 ( ) 2、0是正數。 ( ) 3、甲比乙多25%,則乙比甲少20%。 ( ) 4、圓柱的底面半徑和高都擴大為原來的2倍,則體積擴大為原來的4倍。 () 5、三角形的面積一定等於平行四邊形面積的一半。 ( ) 三、選擇。(5分) 1、有一段繩子,截下它的後,還剩米,那麼( )。 A、截去的多 B、剩下的多 C、一樣多 D、無法比較 2、右圖A、B分別是長方形長和寬的中點,陰影部分面積是長方形的( )。 A、 B、 C、 D、 3、小明有4本不同的科技類圖書和3本不同的故事類圖書。在一次為貧困學校捐書的活動中,他准備捐科技類和故事類圖書各一本,他有( )種+不同的捐法。 A、3 B、4 C、7 D、12 4、一件商品,先提價20%,後又降價20%,現在的價格與原來相比,( )。 A、提高了 B、降低了 C、不變 D、無法確定 5、從甲堆煤中取出給乙堆,這時兩堆煤的質量相等。原來甲、乙兩堆煤的質量之比是( )。 A3:4 B、7:5 C、5:7 D、8:6 四、計算。(29分) 1、直接寫出得數。(5分) 9.9 + 9= 2.5×40= 2.1- 2.01= 8.5÷40%= 1- + = +0.75= 12÷ = 0.3²+0.2²= ×= 0.25×4÷0.25×4= 2、脫式計算,能簡算的要簡算。(12分) ①2013×0.25 + 2013×0.75 ②1.25×32×0.25 ③12×( +-) ④ + ( - )÷ 3、解方程或比例。(6分) ① 2x + 3×0.9 = 24.7 ②:x = :24 4、文字題。(6分) ① 12個的和減去,差是多少? ② 一個數的比36的大2,這個數是多少?(列方程解)。 五、圖形與計算。(7分) 1、在方格紙上按要求完成作業。(3分) (1)將圖A向左平移5格。 (2)將圖B按點O順時針方向旋轉90o。 (3)以直線L為對稱軸,畫出已知圖形C的軸對稱圖形。 2、正方形的邊長是4厘米,求陰影部分的面積。(4分) 六、綜合應用。(29分) 1、一個圓柱形玻璃容器的底面半徑是250px,把一個鐵球從這個容器的水中取出,水面下降100px,這個鐵球的體積是多少?(4分) 2、張老師把20000元錢存入銀行,定期2年,年利率為2.32%。到期後取利息時需交利息稅20%,稅後可得利息多少元?(4分) 3、某工程隊鋪一段路,原計劃每天鋪9.6千米,15天鋪完,實際每天比原計劃多鋪2.4千米,實際要用多少天鋪完?(用比例解答)(4分) 4、在比例尺是1:1000的學校平面圖上,量得長方形操場的長是12厘米,寬是5.5厘米。這個操場的實際面積是多少平方米?(4分) 5、甲、乙兩車從相距350千米的兩地同時出發,相向而行,2小時後相遇。已知甲車的速度與乙車的速度比是2﹕3,求甲、乙兩車的速度。(4分) 中國體育代表團第27—30屆奧運會上獲金牌情況統計表 2013年6月 6、下面是中國體育代表團在近四屆奧運會上獲金牌情況。(4分) 屆 數 第25屆 第26屆 第27屆 第28屆 金牌數/枚 16 16 28 32 銀牌數/枚 22 22 16 17 第27屆(悉尼) 第28屆(雅典) 第29屆(北京) 第30屆(倫敦) 中國 28 32 51 38 (1)請根據表格中提供的數據製成折線統計圖。(1分) (2)第30屆倫敦奧運會中國代表團獲得的金牌占獎牌總數的,那麼第30屆倫敦奧運會上中國體育代表團共獲得多少枚獎牌?(2分) (3)請大家預測一下,2016年我國體育代表團在巴西里約熱內盧舉辦的第31屆奧運會上可能獲得多少枚金牌?大家的預測是否正確呢?讓我們拭目以待!(1分) 7、一桶汽油,桶的質量是汽油的8%,倒出48千克汽油後,油的質量等於桶質量的一半,油桶和原汽油各重多少千克?(5分) 參考答案及評分標准 一、填空。(每空1分) 1、 十四億九千五百萬 15 2、 2014 365 3、 5 50 135 4、 9 80 0.25 25 5、 6、 15:32 7、 5:4 20 8、 3a-b 9、 20 10、 50:1 11、 94 60 12、 78.5和47.1 13、 301.44 401.92 二、判斷。(每題1分) 1、× 2、× 3、√ 4、× 5、× 三、選擇。(每題1分) 1、A 2、B 3、D 4、B 5、B 四、計算。(29分) 1、直接寫出得數。(每題0.5分) 18.9 100 0.09 21.25 14 0.13 16 2、脫式計算,能簡算的要簡算。(12分) ①2013×0.25 + 2013×0.75 ②1.25×32×0.25 =2013×(0.25 +0.75)…………1分 =1.25×8×4×0.25…………1分 =2013×1 ……………………2分 =10×1 ……………………2分 =2013 ……………………………3分 =10……………………………3分 ③12×( +-) ④ + ( - )÷ =12×(+-)…………1分 = + ( - )÷ ……1分 =12×1 ……………………2分 = + ……………………2分 =12 …………………………3分 = …………………………3分 3、求未知數X。(6分) ① 2x + 3×0.9 = 24.7 ②:x = :24 解: 2X=24.7-2.7…………1分 解 X= × 24………………1分 X=22÷2……………2分 X=18÷……………………2分 X=11………………3分 X=45………………………3分 4、文字題。(6分) ①× 12 - ……2分 ② X - 36× = 2……2分 =9……………3分 解: X=45……3分 五、圖形與計算。(7分) 1、 2、 3.14×42÷4 =314px² …………2分 4 × 4 ÷ 2 = 200px² ………………………3分 12.56 - 8 = 113.99999999999999px²…………………4分 六、綜合應用。(29分) 1、3.14×10²×4…………2分 =3.14×400 …………3分 =31400px³ …………4分 2、20000×2.32%×2=928元……2分 3、解:設實際要用x天鋪完…0.5分 928×20%=185.6元 ………3分 (9.6+2.4)x=9.6×15…………2.5分 928-185.6=742.4元…………3.5分 x=12…………………3.5分 答:那每本可裝訂24頁。…4分 答:實際要用12天鋪完。……………4分 4、 12÷=12000(厘米)……1分 5、350÷2=175(千米)……1分 5.5÷=5500(厘米)……2分 175×=105(千米)…2.5分 12000×5500=66000000(平方厘米)……3分 175-105=70(千米)…3.5分 66000000平方厘米=6600平方米……3.5分 答:甲車速度是每小時70千米, 答:這個操場的實際面積是6600平方米。…4分 乙車速度是每小時105千米。4分 6、(1)中國體育代表團第27—30屆奧運會上獲金牌情況統計圖(1分) 2013年6月 (2)38÷= 88(枚)……1.5分 (3)略(1分) 答:第30屆奧運會上中國體育代表團共獲得88枚獎牌。…2分 7、1÷80%=…………1分 - =12…………2分 48÷12 =4千克…………3.5分 4 ÷ 80% =50千克…………4.5分 答:油桶重4千克,原汽油重50千克。

⑦ 小學六年級英語畢業試題 湘教版!!一定要是湘教版!!!

一. 按字母表中的順序寫出24個小寫字母.
二. 按順序寫出所缺的大小寫字母。
f____ h o____ q k____ M V____ X
三. 判斷下列單詞劃線部分的發音是否相同,相同的用「√」,不同的用「×」,表示在括弧內。
( )1. bike mine
( )2. nose long
( )3. much museum
( )4. left desk
( )5. hand make
四. 下面每組單詞中劃線字母的讀音有一個與其他二個不同,請將這單詞的標號填入題前括弧內。
( )1. A. day B. bad C. have
( )2. A. fish B. find C. give
( )3. A. me B. see C. red
( )4. A. glue B. run C. us
( )5. A. phone B. plant C. four
五. 用直線連接下列英文單詞和對應的中文意思。
library 電影院 watch TV 牙疼
station 圖書館 wait for 頭疼
cinema 博物館 play chess 看電視
museum 公園 headache 等候
park 車站 toothache 下棋
六. 將下列劃橫線的部分譯成英文或中文。
1. The girl is my sister. 中文:__________
2. Don』t smoke. 中文:____________
3. Here is the money. 中文:_________
4. I 學習English in a school. 英文:________
5. My bag is 黑色的。 英文:_______
七. 選擇單詞或片語(每個只能用一次),將其標號填在橫線上。
<1>under <2>white <3>play cards <4>in bed <5>speak to
1. The book is _______ the bed.
2. Could I _______ Mike , please?
3. Don』t read _______ . It』s bad for your eyes.
4. It is a _______ pencil.
5. I will ______ with Mike this week
八. 根據情景選擇句子,將答案的標號填入括弧內。
( )1. 當你想知道橡皮放在哪兒時,問:
A. Where is the eraser?
B. Where is the pen?
C. Where is it from?
( )2. 當你提醒小明不要在房間玩球時,說:
A. Don』t read in bed, Xiao Ming!
B. Don』t be late for school, Xiao Ming!
C. Don』t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!
( )3. 當你想知道別人能看見幾輛汽車時,問:
A. How much is the car?
B. How many cars can you see?
C. I can see five cars.
( )4. 當你想知道別人是否喜歡那輛綠色汽車時,問:
A. Do you like the green car?
B. What is the car like?
C. I』m looking for a green car.
( )5. 當你想知道別人會不會騎馬時,問:
A. Can you make a bike?
B. Can you ride a bike?
C. Can you ride a horse?
( )6. 當你想要一杯茶時,說:
A. I』d like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
( )7. 當你想知道新電視機的顏色時,問:
A. Where is the new TV?
B. What』s a TV?
C. What colour is the new TV?
( )8. 當你想知道別人是否有鋼琴時,問:
A. Have you got a dictionary?
B. Have you got a piano?
C. May I use your piano?
( )9. 當你要了解別人是否喜歡游泳時,問:
A. Do you like swimming?
B. Do you like running?
C. Do you like pingpong?
( )10. 當你想知道這些物品是誰的時,問:
A. Whose are these?
B. Whose are those?
C. Who are they?
九. 選擇填空,將答案的標號填入括弧內。
( )1. I』v got a toothache. I』m going to the __________.
A. park B. dentist C. teacher
( )2. ——May I _______ your bike?
A. ride B. reading C. read
( )3. ——Whose ruler is it?
——Maybe it』s _______.
A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary』s
( )4. I want to find a good book. I』m going to the _______.
A. cinema B. library C. museum
( )5. ——_____ will you do?
——I』ll play football.
A. What B. When C. Where
十. 從B欄中找出適合A欄的答語,將其標號填入括弧內。
( )1. What does he do? A. She is going to the cinema.
( )2. What does she do? B. He is old and fat.
( )3. What is it like? C. She is a dentist.
( )4. What is he like? D. He is a doctor.
( )5. Where is she going? E. It』s long and black.
十一. 每小題A、B、C三個單詞中,有一個與圖意相符,選出來將其標號填入括弧內。
( )1. A. bag B. bed C. book
( )2. A. cap B. cat C. can
( )3. A. radio B. fan C. fridge
( )4. A. nose B. mouth C. hand
( )5. A. dentist B. worker C. teacher
十二. 每小題A、B、C三個句中,有一個與圖義相符,把這個句子的標號填入括弧內。
( )1. A. No smoking B. No spiting C. No parking
( )2. A. He is swimming B. He is dancing C. He is riding a horse.
( )3. A. She is drawing B. She is reading C. She is singing.
( )4. A. I』m closing the window. B. I』m cleaning the door.
C. I』m opening the door.
( )5. A. I』m from Africa. B. I』m from England. C. I』m from China.
十三. 看圖完成對話(數詞用英文表示)。
1. ——How many dogs can you see?
——I can see _____________.
2. ——Do you like swimming?
——_________, __________.
3. ——What time is it?
——It』s __________.
4. ——What does he do?
——He is a ________.
5. ——Where is the pencil?
——It』s _______ the book.
十四. 根據圖中湯姆所在的位置,請你告訴他如何找到想去的地方。
turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing
A: How can I get to the station?
A: Thank you.
第二份 小學六年級英語畢業試題 湘教版
1. 有相同的愛好_____________ 2. do well in _____________________
3. 和···交談_______________ 4. go for a walk ___________________
5. 得了重感冒________________ 6. that's true ____________________
7. 在周末_________________ 8. do more exercise ________________
9. 玩得很高興________________ 10. well done ______________________
1. What are the _________ (孩子們)doing?
2. David likes _________ __________ (收集郵票).
3. Can Wang Bing jump _________ ___________ ____________ (一樣遠)his classmates?
4. You'll get ________ (更強壯)and you'll do _________(更好)in PE.
5. Shall we __________(開始)our __________ (課)now?
6. Tom is _________ (缺席)because he ___________ ________ (生病) today.
7. Please speak _________ (大聲地).I can't _________ (聽見)you.
1. He's not as __________ (strong) as the other children.
2. Look! They're __________ (have) a chat.
3. Jim can play music __________ (beautiful).
4. Which is _________ (heavy), the bear or the elephant?
5. Have a good rest. You'll get _________ (good) soon.
6. A: What ________ (do) Yang Ling often do after school?
B: He ______ (go) home and ________ (draw) some pictures.
7. A: What ________ (do) Su Hai do last Sunday morning?
B: He __________ (go) for a walk in the park.
( ) 1. Do you have any problems A: I get up at six thirty.
with your homework?
( ) 2. What time do you get up? B: I'm sorry. The traffic was heavy.
( ) 3. How about going out for a C: I'm good at Chinese.
walk around the lake?
( ) 4. Can you jump higher than Ben? D: Yes, there are.
( ) 5. What's the matter? E: Yes, she is.
( ) 6. Is your mother good at driving a car? F: That's a good idea.
( ) 7. Are these any butterflies? G: I have some problems with English.
( ) 8. You're late. H: Liu Tao's.
( ) 9. What are you good at? I: Yes, I can.
( ) 10. Whose schoolbag is heavier? J: No, I don't.
1. A: __________ are you going?
B: I'm going to the shopping centre.
A: ________ do you want to do?
B: ________ like to _________ a hat ________ my daughter.
A: Shall we go there ________ taxi?
B: All right.
2. A: _________ you get up as _________ as ________ as your brother?
B: No. I get up at 6:30, but he ________ up at 6:15.
A: So you get up _______ than him.
( )1. _________ come to Yang Ling's birthday party?
A. Would like to B. Would you like to
C. Would you like D. Would you to
( ) 2. --- Where ______ you just now? --- I ________ in the playground.
A. was, were B. was, was C. were, was D. were, were
( ) 3. Ben and I _______ some flowers last week.
A. plant B. planted C. planting D. plants
( ) 4. - What ______ he do? - He _______ pears on the farm.
A. does, pick B. did, picks C. does, picked D. did, picked
( ) 5. This knife is yours, Ann. _______, please.
A. Put on it B. Put it on C. Put it away D. Put it away
( ) 6. I want to ______. It is fun!
A. go camping B. going camping C. go to camping D. going to camping
( ) 7. Can you say the names _______ the things?
A. for B. to C. with D. of
( ) 8. All my ________ to my birthday party last night.
A. friends came B. friend came C. friends come D. friend come
( ) 9. _______ your new sweater _________ me, please.
A. Show, to B. Give, for C. Have, for D. Shows, to
( ) 10. The Walkman is in ________ Su Hai's pocket.
A. the B. / C. a D. that
( ) 11. --- Here's a card for you. Happy birthday! --- ___________.
A. Thanks B. No, thank you C. Yes, please D. Ok
( ) 12. It's very hot. Jim is ______ his coat.
A. putting on B. taking off C. taking down D. take off
( ) 13. ________ make noise; They're _________ music.
A. Don't; listening B. Not; listening C. Don't
( ) 14. --- What day is it today? --- ____________.
A. It's February 10 B. It's a Wednesday
C. It's fine D. Friday
( ) 15. "Keep off the grass" means __________.
A. we shouldn't make any noise on the grass
B. we shouldn't walk on the grass
C. we shouldn't eat or drink on the grass
D. we shouldn't smoke on the grass
Jim isn't happy for (因為)he can't do w_________ in PE. Ben is his classmate. He's strong and he r _____f_______ than Jim. Mike is his another classmate; he can run as fast as Ben. But Jim is good at English and Maths and he can jump h ______

than some of the boys in the class. He can swim as fast as his classmates.
So he will do more exercise and get s _______. He will do b _______ in PE.
Last week, the animals had a sports meeting. Elephant Beibei and Ant Lele had the weight lift. Although Lele is smaller and thinner, he lifted much heavier things than his body, so he won (獲勝). Next, Rabbit Benben and Tortoise(烏龜)Xiao had a race. Benben thought (想)himself would be the winner(獲勝者). He laughed at Xiao, "Follow me, slower guy?" He ran as fast as he could until (直到)he couldn't see Xiao. "Let me have a rest," he said to himself and slept under a big tree···
Suddenly he heard the cheers (歡呼聲).Xiao won the first prize (第一名).Benben couldn't laugh again.
1. When did the animals have a sports meeting?

2. Why could the ant win?

3. Did the rabbit win?

4. Why couldn't Benben win the first prize?

有兩份 打出來好累。。。

⑧ 小學六年級英語畢業考試試卷題目

小學六年級英語模擬試卷 (三)

一. 英漢互譯
在星期五下午 look for _________ ___
跑得快 have a good time ________ _____
上車 ___________ __ take part in ________ _____
在……前面_________ ____collect stamps __________ ___
去購物 ___________ _ the Great Wall _________ ____

( ) 1. —Who』s taller than Wang Bing? —
A. I do. B. I am. C. Yang Ling does.
( ) 2. What animal is her cousin going to ?
A. look at B. look C. looking at
( ) 3. ________ his uncle any books?
A. Do, have B. Does, has C. Does, have
( ) 4. Who do you want to .
A. write to B. write C. writing to
( ) 5. —Whose hairdryer is it? —
A. It』s her B. They』re hers C. It』s hers.
( ) 6. —Where were you last weekend? —
A. She was at home. B. I was at home. C. I were at home.
( ) 7. My father _________ every morning.
A. ran B. run C. runs
( )8. — What』s the weather like there? — It usually _____________.
A. rain B. rainy C. rains
( )9.___________ bird is bigger, the blue one or the red one?
A. Which B. Whose C. Who』s
( )10.What are the twin sisters doing? —_____________.
A. They』re joging. B. She』s jogging. C. They』re jogging.
( )11. I would like _____________ you my new pen.
A. to show B. show C. showing
( )12. I am going to __________in the small town__________ two weeks.
A. live, for B. live, to C. living, for
( ) 13. — Do the girls in red jump higher than the girls in green?
— ?
A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, she does.
( ) 14. My uncle very well in ten years ago.
A. does, swimming B. did, swimming C. did, swim
( ) 15. Do you have any _____________ ?
A. apples or oranges B. an apple or an orange C. apples and oranges
( ) 16. A: It』s a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No. ___ is yellow .
A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me
( )17. ______ any men in the room ?
A. Is there B. Are there C. There aren』t D. There isn』t
( ) 18 . Classes begin seven fifty -five .
A . in B . on C . at D . for
( ) 19. The bed the right is yours .
A . on B . in C . at D . of
( ) 20.These books are my .
A.classmates B.classmates's C . classmates' D . classmates of

1. _______________ (not draw) on the wall.
2. When_____ you _____ (go ) to school this morning?
I ____ (go) to school at seven.
3. Jim speaks ________. (France)
4. My birthday is on the ______ (three) of July.
5. ______ (who) mirror is it? Is it _____ (your)? No, it』s not ______ (I).
6.I _____________ (read ) English now.
7.There ______(be) a big cake and some fruit on the table.
8. Tom _______(have) a birthday party every year.

( ) 1. What can she do ? A. She always goes to the zoo.
( ) 2. Here』s a chair for you. B. Yes, I』d love to.
( ) 3. How much are these apples? C. It』s on Nanjing Road
( ) 4. Where are you going? D. About ten yuan.
( ) 5. Are you as tall as him? E. She can play the piano.
( ) 6. Where』s the bookshop? F. Thank you.
( ) 7. Would you like to come? G. No, I am taller than him.
( ) 8. How does she spend her weekends? H. I』m going to the playground.
四. 改錯:(12分)
( )1. My birthday is on first of April. ___________
( )2. I』d like to some balloons . ___________
( )3.Does Ben and his brother like cartoons? ________ __
( )4.They are talk about the weather in Nanjing. ___________
( )5.What do it mean? ___________
( )6.Ben have a Chinese friend . ___________
( )Which season do you like best?
( )How about you?
( )I like autumn best.
( ) Me, too.

1.I like __________ best. Because it』s snowy. I can make snowmen.
2. She wants to write a __________ to her penfriend .
3. There are five p in my family.
4.Look!There are so many presents under the _________tree .
5. W camera is that? It』s mine.
6..His grandpa needs a pair of __________ when he reads newspapers.

1. He does well in Maths. (改為否定句)
__________ __________________
2. Mike is shorter than me. (改為同義句)
___________ _______________
3. _____________________(根據答句提問題)I play the piano.
4. This computer is my father』s. (對畫線部分提問)
___________ ______
5. There are some old men in the classroom? (改為單數句)
______________________ __________________
6. I go to school by bus every day. (用Mike替換I)
_____________________________ ____________

1.— 我的書包比你的重.
My schoolbag is _______ than _______.
2.— 昨天上是六一兒童節。你們干什麼的?
It _______ ________ ________ yesterday. _
_______ ________ you ______?
3. — 他們正在干什麼? — 他們正在上語文課
— What _______ they _______? — They』re _______ a Chinese lesson .
4. 你去年教師節給你的英語老師卡片了嗎?是的。
__ __ you give a card to your English teacher ___ __ Teachers』 Day?
__ _,_ __ __ __.
My family live in a big house in Nanjing. In the morning, my father goes to work. My two sisters—Ann,Mary and I go to school. My father takes us to school every day. My mother doesn』t work. because she can』t speak any Chinese. She cleans all the rooms every day. She has lunch at home and then visits her friends in the afternoon. She wants to go back to England very much. Dad is very busy every day . My sisters and I come home by bus together at 5:10 in the afternoon. My father gets home at 6:30. My mother cooks dinner for us and we have supper together at home. I think I have a happy family.
( ) 1. My family are now in China.
( ) 2. My parents have two children.
( ) 3. My mother can speak a little Chinese.
( ) 4. My sisters and I come home by car.
( ) 5. My father isn』t free every day.
Miss Gao is our teacher. She likes to tell us about her weekends. She
usually gets up early on Saturday. She exercises in the garden for about half anhour.Then she has her breakfast. She doesn't do housework in the morning. Sheoften plays with her dog for about two hours in the park.. The dog runs and
jumps happily. She has lunch at a small restaurant near her home. She doesn't
take a bus home. She enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to her
neighbors. In the afternoon, she cleans her house. She often cooks dinner for
herself. Then she watches TV. She enjoys her weekends very much..
( ) 1. Miss Gao ______ early and ______ in the garden on Saturday .
A. get up ; exercise B. gets up , exercises C. gets up , exercise
( ) 2. She doesn't ______ in the morning .
A. get up B. have breakfast C. do housework
( ) 3. Who does she often play with in the park ? ______ .
A. Her neighbors B. Her dog C. Her teacher
( ) 4. She _______ in the afternoon .
A. exercises B. cleans her house C. watches TV
( ) 5. She often ______ for _______ .
A. walks ; her neighbors B. watches TV ;herself
C. cooks dinner ;herself



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