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发布时间:2021-01-20 04:44:39

『壹』 高中英语作文:我的语文老师

我心目中的好老师光阴似箭,转眼我已经是六年级的学生了,从幼稚班会叫“老师”开始算起,教过我的老师还真不少,今天,我要给大家介绍的是一位我非常爱戴的好老师——我一年级到四年级的班主任吴老师。吴老师很年轻,中等身材,明亮的眼睛上戴着一副眼镜,每天都穿得朴素大方,十分美丽。吴老师是一位严师,为了让我们克服不好的学习习惯,养成良好的学习习惯,她从方方面面严格要求我们。例如她对上课不专心听讲,或作业不按时完成的学生总是苦口婆心地批评教育,从不松懈。再举个例子,说说我的一件丑事:二年级下学期有段时间,我抄作业登记本很马虎,不仅字写得龙飞凤舞,而且还常常漏抄,吴老师发现后,严厉地批评了我,然后语重心长地对我说:“好的习惯使人终身受益,相反,不好的习惯也会影响人的一生。你们从小无论做什么事情都要认真对待,不要马虎应付。”最后,吴老师还罚我重抄。重抄登记本花了我周末两天的时间,抄得我手都发软,但这次深刻的教训使我在今后的学习中逐渐养成了认真的好习惯。别看吴老师对我们这么严格,但她也是我们和蔼可亲的大朋友呢。下课后,她就像一位大姐姐一样随和地与我们聊天、玩游戏,那时,她的笑语和我们的笑语就融成了一首快乐的师生曲。吴老师是一位会上课的好老师,她会用各种生动有趣的形式来上课,让我们在快乐中学习。例如,我们学《西门豹》这课时,吴老师让我们分角色表演课文,当时我戴着尖尖的巫师帽,穿着妈妈的黑裙子扮演巫婆,从表演中,我深切地领会了巫婆的狡诈、阴险。吴老师也是个负责的好老师。她对同学一视同仁,不放弃任何同学。下课、放学或休息日,她会抽出时间,加班加点地为成绩不好的同学补课,让他们及时赶上班里成绩好的同学,让全班同学共同进步,正因为吴老师的尽职尽责,我们班成了全校公认的优秀班集。啊,讲起吴老师的“好”真是一下说不完,最后,我想利用今天的机会,对吴老师说一句心理话:“吴老师,您过去是我的好老师,现在、将来永远是我的好老师,我将永远热爱您!” 来源查字典作文网 http://zuowen.chazidian.com/zuowen71028

『贰』 以My Class为题,写一篇英语作文.(我的语文老师是张老师,数学老师是匡老师,英语老师是罗老师

I love my class.My classmates are very kind to you me.We often help each other.I have many teachers.My English teacher is miss luo.My Chinese teacher is miss zhang.My math teacher is miss kuang.I love my teacher very much.I'm very happy in class.这篇作文我也不知道你的老师到底是男是女。嗯,所以我把你的老师应该打钱的女的如果说不专是属女的的话,那么你就把它换成男的的称呼就行了。可以换成Mr.

『叁』 《我的语文老师》 英语作文

我的语文老师My Chinese Teacher
My chinese teacher is Miss Huang. As far as I am concerned,she is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. there is always a smile on her face.
Meamwhile,Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. what is more, is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.
Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.
All in all,Our classmates all like our chinese teacher very much.

『肆』 英语作文 我的语文老师 七句

As far as I am concerned,my Chinese teacher is a very kind person.Not only she teach us much so carfully,but also she teach us with different ways.What is more,she also tell something about our chinese culture which can interest us.(后面些点大家都知道的事情,要是一件事就具体点,要是好两件就略写,注意字数不可少回,超了太多也答不好)

『伍』 英文作文 我的语文老师 写出老师的特点,抄袭的不要。

My Chinese teacher is very kind to every one of us.To her,we are like her children. She works very hard.And she is very good at teaching.In her class,we are always very happy because we can learn knowledge and play games at the same time.After class,she isn't only our teacher,but also our friend.She help us solve some problems.
I taught a lot of language teachers, including teachers Shaw in my mind the most impressive.

『陆』 《我的语文老师》 英语作文

It introced the special food from different areas of China. Everyone was watered

『柒』 一篇英语作文:介绍我的语文老师

I have a Chinese teacher, his name is Yao Xiaokai. He is neither tall nor short, his hair is not long nor short, he often wears a white shirt, black trousers, he was also wearing a pair of black glasses.

『捌』 我的语文老师 英语作文


『玖』 我的语文老师(英语作文)




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