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发布时间:2021-02-11 14:04:50

A. 对语文老师的讲题方法的评价的作文520字

老师,我想对您说…… 首先我要感谢您为我们健康成长付出那么多心血。您为了上好一节专课,属不知要花多少时间找资料,备课,常常忙到深夜。有时帮助同学解决不守纪律的问题,耐心找同学谈话,一讲就讲好久。您讲课那么生动形象,我们都爱听…… 平时,时间总是那么的匆匆,总是没有时间给您提建议,今天,我就用作文的方式来给您几点建议。我想提的第一点建议是:下午两节课之后,有事的同学在学校里完成任务,没事的同学就放学回家,希望您不要再加课了。比如说有一次,放学时已经很晚了,弄得我七点半才吃晚饭。每天还有家庭作业,家庭作业一多,睡觉的时间就短,睡觉时间一短,一天上课就没精神,上课没精神学习就搞不好。所以,我建议您以后别再加课了。 第 二点建议:我希望您别体罚学生。我现在也是学生,能体会被体罚的感受,如果别人有一丁点错误,您就体罚的话,他会不服的。在这里我不是说您随时都不能体罚同学,体罚同学必须拥有充分的证据。因为现在正是我们的青春期发育阶段,逆反心理极强,所以您必须有充分的证据和服人的道理才能体罚同学,从而使同学心服口服。第三点建议:希望您不要拖堂。

B. 语文教师如何评价学生的作文

方香小学 陈秀玲

C. 作文:对语文的评价,自己对语文的成绩,语文老师咋样,对老师的建议围绕这些问题的500字作文,急急急

学习语文 是因为你是中国人 当然了 也有喜欢来中国骗吃骗喝的老外学语文 语文成绩的提高版需要日积月累 多读权书 多看报 少吃零食 多睡觉 语文老师咋样 那要看你们老师怎么样了 当然马屁不能拍的太过也不能拍到马腿上 更不能拍到马蹄上 对老师的建议吗 少布置一些作业 多给时间看一些课外书拓展拓展自己的知识面

D. 高一作文我眼中的语文老师800


王老师虽只教了我两年, 但他的一句警告,一个微笑都好像在我的耳旁回荡着。我还记得,王老师经常在课上给我们讲笑话,让我们轻松一下;我还记得王老师为了让我们更加了解课文,在课上做实验;我还记得,王老师语重心长的对犯了错的同学讲道理。在以前,我总认为语文要写作文,要阅读分析,我并不喜欢语文,但自从碰到了王老师,我渐渐地觉得语文并不是我想像中那么难,并开始喜欢上了语文。这一切的一切,都使我难以忘怀。但有一件事,我至今记忆犹新。那一次,我数学考砸了,数学老师不但在课上批评了我,下课后,老师还把我叫到办公室训了一顿,这是我原本“受伤”的心灵再次受到严重的打击。接下来的什么课我都听不下去了,这一切,王老师都看在眼里,他把我叫到办公室,让我坐下,问我出了什么事,我一五一十的告诉了王老师,他笑着拍了拍我的肩膀,说:“难免有一次失误是很正常的,王老师小时候有好多次比你考的还要糟糕呢,记住:失败是成功之母。这次考得不好,只要下次考试不要再犯相同的错误,老师相信你能行的。”这一席话,说的我热泪盈眶,我暗暗地把这些话全部记在脑子里,在下一次的考试中,我特别认真,特别仔细。终于,功夫不负有心人,我取得了班中第一的好成绩,这一切都要归功于王老师。

E. 对语文的看法 对语文老师的看法 如何爱惜自己的 求作文


F. 我对语文老师的看法 作文


G. 求文档: 我对语文老师有意见的作文


H. 对语文老师的评价和建议怎么写


I. 作文:对老师的评价(四个老师)

My primary school in the second experiment, it is near my house, it is a great school, with more than 100 teachers. Of these, my favorite is my language teacher - Teacher Li.
Li, of medium build, tall上架着一副nose glasses, looks and gentle and polite, full of kindness. Do not think you can have our very lax teachers, teachers can be strict for us. Despite this, the students still very fond of her, because she, like her mother did love us.
I remember the third grade, we张荣源morning classes after school, students take advantage of a double shift is not a four-year, picked up his ball to play up the playground. Know the owner of the ball after furious. Some trivial matters have become a "martial arts battle."张荣源the boxes have been thrown into the ground, a meal to sprinkle. Lee teachers know, let me immediately to the office with two fellow students, ask the causes of the matter, kindly said to them: "We live in the family of schools, there should be mutual understanding, mutual help, with the error should be brave admit, this event will be of small, trivial and, the
It would not have been so serious, and you say it is the truth? "Convinced the two are to each other sincerely acknowledge the wrong. At this time, Li 5 out of money, the张荣源said:" The faster you buy lunch, not hungry belly. "
My poor stomach, often stomach pain. One day, my stomach pain, and to lie on the table, pale. Lee teachers see me as I know the pain闹肚子quickly help a student called me to the health room. Unfortunately, the doctor on ty leave, and I had no choice but to return to the classroom and clutching his stomach.见此scenarios, Li rushed to take me to the office,倒了杯水give me drink, I immediately spit out. No way, Lee had no choice but to call the teacher to meet my grandmother so. At the time, such as grandmother, Li patting my back side, while anxiously watch to see ... ...过了好久, but also to see grandma, Li said: "Well,
There is still some time away from school, I sent you, go home! "I said, patrol alterated home.
Half on the road, I满眶tears止不住. I secretly determined: the future, I also do a teacher, such as Li did not only teach students the knowledge, but also to use their love to care for them.
Time flies, among the twinkling of an eye into the high school, the teachers you all right? Three years ago the autumn season, you give us that glimmer of a smile, that the words "believe in yourself and you can do it" gives us the inner world into a powerful driving force. I can clearly remember the day you first greeted a group of childish our children are not off, you kind of smile that I still remember so far.
You get used to class exultant, flying lessons under the expression, so we have to fall in love with your math classroom. You get used to Christmas. To the students each made of Christmas red, after graating from the generosity invites us to eat, regardless of whether or not the remainder of the economy, you always used to say "brothers and sisters, like snowflakes," can we laugh拐个弯to you掉渣territories.
Under Section under Section Youtong you the Yin Yin Cantonese played a sad song, o-class students said that what she experienced, we have carefully inquired about the language teacher, used to be you on the Northeast Normal University after graation, in order for the younger brother, sister university, the school sent on to give up just continue to seek opportunities to become a willing secondary school teachers, we say that you silly people, it was great that you may be accustomed to it that your brothers and sisters like snowflakes.
The experience of those of you still remain in the class style, rhythmic writing on the blackboard, thinking clear and thorough way, so that we can hardly go beyond the bounds of mathematics. Powder st in three years time, your brother, sister who is already into an ideal university. You have always told us that hope that we can, like her siblings realize our vision, also said that the brothers and sisters are born of the snow, fell on the ground, into water, will no longer be separated from the. We believe that it is your sincere and then tell how heavy the weight is ... ...
Roadside tall poplars, swaying in the wind fine green leaves, made clear as the voice of water. Fresh leaves in the moonlight under the issue of mapping the faint sheen. Cool and spread over the夜风roaring, enough to make people feel more of them gliding. Dissemination of a silver-white tears deep breath quietly slipped, fell on the night mysterious and deep, spreading the wings fall youth, fell in the bottom of my heart where the softest.
Time flies!光阴似箭, now I have entered a middle school affiliated Chittagong, when you once again greeted with great emotion that we see you this group of children, you will certainly feel it no longer faces with childish face. Yes, we have grown up, love is no longer a group of crying children laugh love rough. Seedlings to absorb the rain the sun, coupled with the hard workers cultivation, germination could not grow it, you teach, we have never deviated from that for three years, we grew up your tolerance. However, a time when you look at your birthday, we always feel you're ready for gift giving and ashamed, but I know that "respect for the teaching profession do not have to gift-giving."
Good for you to tell the truth, and then added with deep feeling "good teacher!" You probably already very satisfied, because I believe that you never have to ask what to you.
Finally, I would like to tell you: "teachers, believe us, we can do it!"



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