『壹』 2016年沈阳市铁西区二模语文答案
西城区的《未知》……很明显,我们学校的三模语文题目是拿各区一模二模攒的…… “思悟版网”论坛权,主题:关于“未知”。缉尝光妒叱德癸泉含沪甲:这个世界,有着太多的未知——未知的人、领域,未知的前程、命运……它们陌生神秘,莫测难解。明天,永远是未知的。乙:昨天,有些东西也同样“未知”啊。“未知”,不等于“无知”,也不等于“不可知”。丙:是的,“未知”二字,总令人充满好奇与期待。丁:我恐惧“未知”。戊:让我们将“未知”变为“已知”!己:所有东西,一定要“知道”才有意思吗? …… 你对“未知”有着怎样的体验与感悟?请以此为内容,写一篇文章。 要求:角度自选,立意自定,标题自拟,文体自选(除诗歌外),不少于800字。 不要盲目迷信啊啊……
『贰』 求2015怀柔二模英语答案
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A
5. A 6. C7. B8. C9. A10. C 11. B 12.C 13.A 14. A15. C16. C
17. Japanese 18. hair 19. turned 20. KBC 21. 15766
四、单选。(13分)22. B 23.C 24. A 25.C 26.B 27.D
28.C 29. B 30. D 31.C 32.C 33.D 34.A
五、完形。(12分)35. C 36. B 37.D 38.C 39. D 40. A
41. A42. D 43.C 44.B 45.A 46.C
六、阅读(26分)(A) 47.A 48.C 49B
(B) 50. C 51.B 52. D
(C) 53.A 54.C 55.B
(D) 56.B 57. D 58. C 59. D
60. B 61. A 62. E 63. C
64. Yes, it is.
65. It raises money and helps millions of young people around the
66. About 300,000 children
67. Cards, T-shirts, teddy bears
68. What UNICEF is, what four main UNICEF projects are and what you can do
to help. (缺一项扣1分)
九、完成句子 (10分)
69. Why not/ Why don't you
70. pass it to me
71. as much as possible
72. will try my best
73. is happy/glad to see, are busy studying/learning
Hi, Mike,
I am glad to hear from you. I like go to the beaches. They are not only
wide but also beautiful. I like traveling there because I can swim in the sea
and walk on the beaches. I like lying in the sand and it makes me relaxed. It's
exciting to make sand castle on the beaches. I really love to go to the
一、 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选出与对话内容相符的
1. W: Jack, can you see a pig on the farm? M: Yes, I can.
2. W: Sam, what is your hobby? M: Fishing.
3. W: John, May I use your ruler? M: Yes, here you are.
4. W: What about the weather tomorrow? M: It will be rainy.
W: Excuse me, is there a bookstore around here?
M: Yes. There is one on Tree Road. It's between the parking lot and the
W: How far is it from here?
M: About thirty minutes' walk. You can take the No. 14 bus there.
W: Thanks for help.
M: You're welcome.
W: Let's play computer games!
M: That sounds interesting, but I don't have a computer.
W: Well, do you have volleyball?
M: Yes.
W: Then let's play volleyball.
M: Oh, volleyball is so difficult.
W: Ok, let's watch TV.
M: That sounds boring. Let's play soccer. Do you have a soccer ball?
W: No, I don't.
M: Oh. Well, do you have a basketball?
W: Yes, I do. Let's play basketball.
M: That sounds fun.
M: Tina, when did you come to Beijing?
W: I came to Beijing in 2008. I studied in a language school.
M: Did you know any Chinese before you came to China?
W: No, I didn't know a word of Chinese.
M: So, what did you do in your Chinese class.
W: Oh, we did lots of listening, speaking and writing exercises but
sometimes we
played games too. And we watched interesting TV programs.
M: What did you like best?
W: I liked watching TV programs.
M: What did you think of your teacher?
W: My teacher was pretty good.
W: Hello, Jack.
M: Hello, Linda. You are all here. What are you doing here?
W: We are planning for a good-bye party be cause the 3-year middle school
life will be over.
M: That sounds good .Can I join the party?
W: Sure. Everyone in our class is welcome.
M: Great! Is there anything I can do to help?
W: Let me see. Oh, do you have a camera?
M: Yes, I do. I have a digital camera.
W: We want to take some photos. They may remind us of the time we had in
middle school in the future. Would you mind bringing it to the party?
M: Not at all. I'm sure to bring it to the party. Anything else?
W: Well, would you like to get some fruit and snacks for the party with
M: Yes, I'd love to. Let's go.
Do you learn from your mistakes? I hope so. But have you ever made the same
mistake twice? I have. Sometimes I make the same mistake three or four times!
Sometimes, good things happen because of mistakes. Once I got on the wrong
train. That was a big mistake .But on that train I saw a good friend. I was so
happy that I made that mistake! Another time I broke a surprise .My mother
planned a surprise party for my father. She told me it was a secret. But I was
just a little boy and I couldn't keep the secret. I told my father about the
party. At first, my mother was mad at me. But then my father said he was happy
he knew about it. He said he didn't like surprises.
(A policewoman is asking Bob something about a traffic accident.)
W: Excuse me, sir. Were you just right there when the accident
M: Yes, I was right there. I saw it all.
W: Can you say something about the car?
M: Certainly. It was a big yellow Car. The driver and another four people
were in it. I'm sure it wasn't s a Japanese car.
W: Say something about the driver, please.
M: Oh, yes. He was in a suit. And he was a tall man with dark hair and dark
W: Can you tell me something more?
M: Yes, it was terrible. The car was driving too fast. It ran into a truck
when it turned around.
W: Did you notice the car number?
M: Yes. K-B-C.
W: OK. K-B-C, go on please.
M: En, 15766
W: All right. 15766. So the car number is KBC 15766.
M: Yes.
W: All right. Please sign your name. Thank you.
M: Ok. You're welcome.
『叁』 2016西城二模语文作文至少还有你
『肆』 求2015英语怀柔二模的答案
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A
5. A 6. C7. B8. C9. A10. C 11. B 12.C 13.A 14. A15. C16. C
17. Japanese 18. hair 19. turned 20. KBC 21. 15766
四、单选。(13分)22. B 23.C 24. A 25.C 26.B 27.D
28.C 29. B 30. D 31.C 32.C 33.D 34.A
五、完形。(12分)35. C 36. B 37.D 38.C 39. D 40. A
41. A42. D 43.C 44.B 45.A 46.C
六、阅读(26分)(A) 47.A 48.C 49B
(B) 50. C 51.B 52. D
(C) 53.A 54.C 55.B
(D) 56.B 57. D 58. C 59. D
60. B 61. A 62. E 63. C
64. Yes, it is.
65. It raises money and helps millions of young people around the
66. About 300,000 children
67. Cards, T-shirts, teddy bears
68. What UNICEF is, what four main UNICEF projects are and what you can do
to help. (缺一项扣1分)
九、完成句子 (10分)
69. Why not/ Why don't you
70. pass it to me
71. as much as possible
72. will try my best
73. is happy/glad to see, are busy studying/learning
Hi, Mike,
I am glad to hear from you. I like go to the beaches. They are not only
wide but also beautiful. I like traveling there because I can swim in the sea
and walk on the beaches. I like lying in the sand and it makes me relaxed. It's
exciting to make sand castle on the beaches. I really love to go to the
一、 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选出与对话内容相符的
1. W: Jack, can you see a pig on the farm? M: Yes, I can.
2. W: Sam, what is your hobby? M: Fishing.
3. W: John, May I use your ruler? M: Yes, here you are.[来源:学科网]
4. W: What about the weather tomorrow? M: It will be rainy.
W: Excuse me, is there a bookstore around here?
M: Yes. There is one on Tree Road. It's between the parking lot and the
W: How far is it from here?
M: About thirty minutes' walk. You can take the No. 14 bus there.
W: Thanks for help.
M: You're welcome.
W: Let's play computer games!
M: That sounds interesting, but I don't have a computer.
W: Well, do you have volleyball?
M: Yes.
W: Then let's play volleyball.
M: Oh, volleyball is so difficult.
W: Ok, let's watch TV.
M: That sounds boring. Let's play soccer. Do you have a soccer ball?
W: No, I don't.
M: Oh. Well, do you have a basketball?
W: Yes, I do. Let's play basketball.
M: That sounds fun.
M: Tina, when did you come to Beijing?
W: I came to Beijing in 2008. I studied in a language school.
M: Did you know any Chinese before you came to China?
W: No, I didn't know a word of Chinese.
M: So, what did you do in your Chinese class.
W: Oh, we did lots of listening, speaking and writing exercises but
sometimes we
played games too. And we watched interesting TV programs.
M: What did you like best?
W: I liked watching TV programs.
M: What did you think of your teacher?
W: My teacher was pretty good.
W: Hello, Jack.
M: Hello, Linda. You are all here. What are you doing here?
W: We are planning for a good-bye party be cause the 3-year middle school
life will be over.
M: That sounds good .Can I join the party?
W: Sure. Everyone in our class is welcome.
M: Great! Is there anything I can do to help?
W: Let me see. Oh, do you have a camera?
M: Yes, I do. I have a digital camera.
W: We want to take some photos. They may remind us of the time we had in
middle school in the future. Would you mind bringing it to the party?
M: Not at all. I'm sure to bring it to the party. Anything else?
W: Well, would you like to get some fruit and snacks for the party with
M: Yes, I'd love to. Let's go.
Do you learn from your mistakes? I hope so. But have you ever made the same
mistake twice? I have. Sometimes I make the same mistake three or four times!
Sometimes, good things happen because of mistakes. Once I got on the wrong
train. That was a big mistake .But on that train I saw a good friend. I was so
happy that I made that mistake! Another time I broke a surprise .My mother
planned a surprise party for my father. She told me it was a secret. But I was
just a little boy and I couldn't keep the secret. I told my father about the
party. At first, my mother was mad at me. But then my father said he was happy
he knew about it. He said he didn't like surprises.
(A policewoman is asking Bob something about a traffic accident.)
W: Excuse me, sir. Were you just right there when the accident
M: Yes, I was right there. I saw it all.
W: Can you say something about the car?
M: Certainly. It was a big yellow Car. The driver and another four people
were in it. I'm sure it wasn't s a Japanese car.
W: Say something about the driver, please.
M: Oh, yes. He was in a suit. And he was a tall man with dark hair and dark
W: Can you tell me something more?
M: Yes, it was terrible. The car was driving too fast. It ran into a truck
when it turned around.
W: Did you notice the car number? [来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K]
M: Yes. K-B-C.
W: OK. K-B-C, go on please.
M: En, 15766
W: All right. 15766. So the car number is KBC 15766.
M: Yes.
W: All right. Please sign your name. Thank you.
M: Ok. You're welcome.
『伍』 2016东丽区中考二模语文作文题目
『陆』 佳木斯2016高考二模语文作文题
习作(1):家是抄我们成长的摇篮,相信每一位同学的心里都珍藏着许多美好的回忆,请你选择一件印象最深的事写下来。 习作(2):根据提供的内容:“翠竹绿树红花,小桥流水人家。夕阳西下,载着欢笑理想。联系自己的生活体验,展开合理的想象,写一篇记叙文。