『壹』 八年级全程导练答案英语
Private cars have entered Chinese families. More and more people drive to work in their own cars. And it seems a trend that all can possess a family car in the future.
But is it really good to have a car? Owning a car means spending time and money buying, learning to drive and repairing it. So you seem to pay a lot for a big trouble. Besides, if every family has a car, what will the road be like? Crowded? Jammed with... Oh, my God!
Family cars are intended to be convenient, but will it really bring convenience to the everyday life in a country with such a large population? Moreover, driving cars will be very likely make people sit all the time without any exercises. It will do harm to the physical body. Comparatively, riding bicycles is much better and economical. So,I think, it is not appropriate for China to popularize family cars in the near future, especially in our big densely-populated cities.
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