Ⅰ 幼儿园亲子活动搓汤圆教案与反思怎么写
活动目标: 通过看看、讲讲了解过新年时的一些风俗习惯,引导幼儿尝试自己动手搓汤圆,体验过新年的快乐气氛。 活动准备: 1、《新年好》的音乐磁带; 2、《新年好》Flash; 3、橡皮泥人手一盒; 4、盘子每组一个; 5、角色游戏房的娃娃家场景。 活动过程: 一、激发兴趣,导入主题。 教师播放歌曲《新年好》,告诉幼儿新年来到了。 教师提问:宝宝,你们觉得过新年最开心的是什么事呀? 幼儿交流讨论。 教师小结:你们过新年的时候可以穿新衣服、吃糖果、拿红包…… 二、播放Flash。(过新年放鞭炮、吃汤圆。) 1.教师播放Flash:我们来看看别人的新年是怎么过的? 2.幼儿欣赏、交流。 3.师小结:过新年是最重要的节日,在新年里很多人都会放鞭炮,一家人还会开开心心在一起吃汤圆,吃汤圆表示团团圆圆的意思。 三、操作探索。 1.教师:宝宝,那我们也来试试做好吃的汤圆吧。 2.教师示范做汤圆的步骤:先取一小块橡皮泥放在手掌心,用另一个手掌盖在橡皮泥上,来回团、搓,一个小小的圆圆的汤圆就做好了。 3.幼儿操作,教师巡回指导。(配背景音乐《卖汤圆》)提醒幼儿将搓好的汤圆放在桌上的小盘子里。 四、延伸活动。 带幼儿去角色游戏房,把做好的汤圆放进娃娃家的锅子里,模仿煮汤圆的场景,体验过新年的快乐。
Ⅱ 幼儿园亲子活动搓汤圆教案与反思怎么写
要环节很清楚地再现,即开始环节、基本环节、结束环节、延伸环节。注:重点表述基本环节) 一、教师吆喝“卖汤圆,卖汤圆,又香又甜的汤圆,大家快来买哟。”引起幼儿兴趣。 二、幼儿学搓汤圆 老师先示范搓汤圆的方法,幼儿模仿。 为幼儿提供面团和面条,让幼儿自由取用。 幼儿自由组合,分成几组,把汤圆搓好后放到各组的盘子里。 老师注意观察幼儿的不同发展水平,需要不同的帮助,从而提供幼儿主动探索的支架。 三、卖汤圆 老师和幼儿把汤...〖详细〗
Ⅲ 急求外语好者帮忙翻译一篇幼儿园大班教案,希望每一句话都能翻译出来 谢谢!急求!!!中文教案如下
Moving target: 1, can be more clearly sing songs. 2, can compose a simple action. 3, feel good and happy companions to each other a happy new year. Active process: First, the voice training. Teacher: Good kids - Child: Teacher Hello meters - Second, talk into the theme, memory lyrics, singing teacher demonstration. 1, the division: the new year soon to come, but also a long-year-old children immediately, and you open not happy ah? How do you New Year's? What would you say mom and dad, good friend said something? (Guide children to say "Happy New Year") is now with us on the Qin teacher said: "Happy New Year!" 1, Division: except to say Happy New Year, it will do anything to celebrate the New Year? (To guide children to say singing, dancing) 2, Division: just children, said the New Year, we would like the people around say "Happy New Year", but also singing, dancing to celebrate the New Year. And now, just put the Mi teacher said the children sing with the song, please listen carefully Oh! (Teacher sings.) Third, learn to sing songs. 1, memory lyrics. Teachers led the children according to the rhythm of chant music lyrics twice. Teacher: Now, please join me to say lyrics. 2 steel with teachers, children sing along. Collective sing twice. Teacher: Now I came to play the piano, singing along with you. Boys and girls were singing again. Now, I have to boys and girls were invited to sing and see the good boys or girls to sing the good songs! Girls first. Teacher: Girls sing, OK? We clap his hands together to celebrate their look. Now boys to sing. Teacher: Boys sing, OK? We also clap his hands in recognition of their look. 3, please indivial children to sing. Teacher: I now learn the fastest, best singer in the children to sing. 3, the teachers do not have steel company, and children singing together. Teacher: Now we sing this song together, I do not play the piano. Fourth, compose a simple action. 1, you think you say "Happy New Year", for what action? (See the performance of indivial children, teachers lead the children in his actions say "Happy New Year") Teacher: he moves me to try it. Who else do the same action and others do not? Try. 2, continues to compose "Congratulations to everyone Happy New Year, we sing, we dance," the action. Teacher: When you sing you Happy New Year, congratulations, you will do step? Teacher: When you sing, "We sing, we dance", you will do action? 3, the teachers said the action from the children, pick out good songs out of the action (children singing, action). Teacher: Now, I use the action you have just said that to sing this song. Optimistic about the ah. 4, please do the movements of indivial children to side while singing, accompanied by Teachers steel. Teacher: Now who wants to try with your own actions, and I'll play the piano, you sang to do the movements. (More please a few) 5, the collective singing, action. Teacher: Now, all rose. We all sing together, everyone doing their own actions. Are you ready? (Piano teacher) end of the event: Division: New Year is coming, boys, Happy New Year! (Guide children interaction) Teacher: Please also with the people around you Tell me. Again collectively to fellow teachers, nurses, said: XXX, Happy New Year 希望能帮到你。。。~~~
Ⅳ 急需幼儿园中班音乐—新年好 公开课教案!谢谢
Ⅳ 幼儿园学前班《与节日有关的字》教案
活动目标: 1、熟悉歌曲旋律,感受演唱新年的气氛。 2、用声音来表现新年的欢乐。 活动准备: 钢琴、配班老师扮新年爷爷 活动过程: 一、律动 《日常生活模仿动作》、《我们大家做得好》、《小鸡叫、小猫叫、小鸭叫》。 二、练声 《我爱我的小动物》、《好宝宝》。 三、新授歌曲《新年好》。 1、新年爷爷出场:“小朋友们你们好!你们知道我是谁吗?”(新年爷爷)呦!!原来小朋友都认识我呀!今天我要和小朋友一起迎接新年的到来我真高兴!小朋友高兴吗?(高兴 )我今天还带了许多的礼物来呢,这些礼物会送给谁呢?我会把它送给上课认真,坐得端正爱表演的小朋友。 新年快要到了,我今天不仅带了许多礼物来,我还有许多祝福的话要送给小朋友哦!你们要听清楚哦!听听祝福的话都说了些什么?看谁听得最认真。“小朋友,新年好!祝你们新年快乐!”小朋友们我刚刚都说了些什么祝福的话呀!(幼儿回答)小朋友说的真好!新年爷爷还把这些祝福的话编成了一首歌曲,歌曲的名字就叫《新年好》歌曲的名字叫什么呀?(教师带领幼儿完整回答)歌曲的名字叫《新年好》。小朋友想听吗?(想)那小朋友听新年爷爷把歌曲唱一遍(教师清唱一遍)歌曲的名字叫什么呀。(歌曲的名字叫《新年好》)这首歌好听吗?(好听)你们知道这首歌为什么这么好听吗?因为这是一首三拍子的歌,三拍子怎么打呢?你们看新年爷爷打一下!(教师示范打节奏),小朋友在打三拍子的时候呀,第一下要拍的重一些,第二下拍的轻一些,第三下在轻一些。现在请小朋友把小手伸出来我们一起来打三拍子好吗?(好)师幼一起打拍子。小朋友拍的真好听,很有节奏,现在请小朋友听新年爷爷边弹琴边唱歌好不好呀?(好)小朋友要听清楚哦!听听歌曲里面都些什么祝福的话,爷爷等会要问你们哦!(教师弹琴师范唱)小朋友都听到了什么祝福的话呀?(个别回答)诶!这些小朋友说得真好!现在请小朋友一起打着拍子跟着琴声和爷爷念念歌词(念一至两遍)小朋友们念的真好听!我们一起用甜美的歌声把它唱出来,好吗?(好)师幼齐唱。这会爷爷有点累了,想请小朋友大声的唱,我小声的唱好吗?(好)在过新年的时候,我们都很高兴、很开心是不是啊?(是)那我们就用甜美的歌声高高兴兴的唱出来好不好啊?(好)爷爷听听谁的声音最好听,谁的表情最高兴!(师幼在唱一次)小朋友唱的真好听! 2、现在请小朋友一起站起来,跟着新年爷爷一起唱吧、跳吧!(幼儿和教师围着新年树跟着音乐一起唱歌、跳舞)。今天新年爷爷和小朋友一起过新年真高兴、真开心现在爷爷要送你们礼物啦! 3、新的一年就要到啦!小朋友们又长大一岁了,在新的一年里小朋友该怎么做呢?我们要更加的懂礼貌,爱学本领是不是啊?(是)小朋友听,新年的钟声敲响了(教师用打击乐敲三次)我们把心中最美好的祝福送给我们最爱的人,送给爸爸、妈妈,送给幼儿园的老师!祝她们:“新年快乐”现在让我们对老师说出我们心中的祝福吧!师幼一起大声的说:“祝老师新年快乐!”
Ⅵ 求幼儿园圣诞节目串词,《成语接龙》《十二生肖》《火花》《新年好》《HAPPY宝贝》
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