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发布时间:2020-12-16 04:45:46

Ⅰ “BBC标准音标视频发音教程(全45集)”能把网址告诉我吗谢谢


Ⅱ 求bbc英语发音教学 音标学习[ŋ] [i] 视频的字幕或文本或求高人此视频所述内容(英文)

This is a short fun sound, it pronounced [i], now you try, listen and repeat after me, [i] [i]
Now here are some words who have this sound, kit, bid, hymn, minute, now you try, listen carefully and repeat afer me kit, bid, hymn, minute,
For speakers of some languages, it may be difficult to tell the difference between this vowel ,
the short vowel [i] and another sound, the long vowel [i:]
listen carefully to hear the difference between the two in each pair of examples, I'll say the short sound [i] first.
hit, heat, lip, leap, sick. seek, will, wheel, now you try, listen carefully and repeat after me. hit, heat, lip, leap, sick. seek, will, wheel.

This is a consonant sound, now in English, you will never find it at the beginning of a word, because it only comes at the end of a syllable, so you find it in the middle of the word "anger", and at the middle of the word "Thanks", and at the end of the word "rung"
Now we make this sound towards the back of the mouth [ŋ]...
And if you do this sound correctly, you can feel of vibration in your nose [ŋ].
Now let's practice. Listen to these examples and repeat after me.
rung, anger, thanks, . OK
Now it can be difficult to hear the difference between this sound [ŋ] and another similar consonant [n], listen carefully.
rung , run, rung , run.
Now [ŋ] is made at the back of the mouth and [n] is made behind the teeth.
now you try, listen and repeat.
rung run,rung run
Now let's have some more examples, listen first
tongue, ton, wing, win, robbing, robin, singer,sinner,
now you try, listen and repeat.
tongue, ton, wing, win, robbing, robin, singer,sinner,

ps: bbc /倒e/视频中那几个问题。
1. In fact, it's so important that it has its own name. 我回答的里面少了that。
2. And of drool latte, I'm really looking forward to my cuppa. 我好期待喝这杯让人垂涎的拿铁。应该是latte 和forward。

Ⅲ 求 BBC标准音标视频发音教程(全45集) 下载地址

去优酷,搜索专辑,专辑: BBC 音标 教学视频,就可以。哎!我下载了这个,内挺好。你咋不容给点分呢?

Ⅳ 你好,能人!!请问你有BBC标准音标视频发音教程(全45集)吗 我想教我弟弟音标,谢谢!


Ⅳ 【英语】BBC教学视频中音标l的介绍,不太理解其中一段意思

在英语里这个音 / L / 在词首和词尾的发音是不一样的 【syllable音节】仔细听专 leaf feel
和 let tell 你听属出有什么不同了吗?请再听一遍/L/在词首和词尾的发音,在一些讲英语的人的
个音在词尾不读出来(dissappear消失)因此我不能把pal读成// pill mile milk cold 【此处不
能译,只能听前一个音是对的后一个音是错的 】要留心这里有点不同 【disappear 消失】


Ⅵ BBC英语音标教学视频,百度云共享

视频教程》-高清版.rar" data_size="723.78M" data_filelogo="https://gss0.bdstatic.com//yun-file-logo/file-logo-6.png" data_number="1" data_sharelink="https://pan..com/share/link?shareid=3184390713&uk=738356336">


Ⅶ BBC标准音标视频发音教程


Ⅷ 谁有bbc英语发音教学 音标学习[ŋ] [i] 视频的字幕或文本或求高人此视频所述内容(英文)

[ŋ]: This is a consonant sound. Now in English, you'll never find it at the beginning of a word, because it only comes at the end of a syllable. So you find it in the middle of the word "anger", at the middle of the word "thanks", and at the end of the word "rung". Now we make this sound towards the back of the mouth, "[ŋ]", and if you do this sound correctly, you can feel the vibration in your nose, "[ŋ]". Now let's practise. Listen to these examples and repeat after me, "rung", "anger", "thanks", okay. Now it can be difficult to hear the difference between this sound "[ŋ]" and another similar consonant "[n]". Listen carefully, "rung", "run", "rung", "run". Now "[ŋ]" is made at the back of the mouth and "[n]" is made behind the teeth. Now you try, listen and repeat, "rung", "run", "rung", "run". Now let's have some more examples. Listen first, "tongue", "ton"; "wing", "win"; "robbing", "robin"; "singer", "sinner". Now you try, listen and repeat: "tongue", "ton"; "wing", "win"; "robbing", "robin"; "singer", "sinner".



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