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发布时间:2021-02-18 00:14:49

㈠ 生命安全课《身体不适要注意》教案






幼儿与家庭成员的合影若干张 绘画工具 音乐CD

㈡ 生活生命与安全》六年级教案。


㈢ 《为何体温在37摄氏度》答案(语文活页上的)急急急!!!


㈣ 生命安全教育《什么是健康》教案

5.Circadian Clocks Are As Old As Time
The Salisbury Cathedral in England is said to be home to the world's oldest clock. The mechanical device's wrought iron hands are believed to have been tracking the passage of time since at least 1386. The clock survived war, fire and inattention before being rediscovered in the early 20th century and restored.

The Salisbury Cathedral clock is but a wee whippersnapper when compared to the natural clocks that track our circadian rhythms. Scientists believe internal clocks evolved more than 3 billion years ago in cyanobacteria (what we also call blue-green algae), but they don't know exactly why it happened. Some say this was nature's way of leveling the playing field for organisms all competing for the same sources of energy. Circadian rhythms developed so that some creatures feed ring the day and others do it at night. Others say the body clock evolved in algae to stagger the sludge's processes for photosynthesis—converting light into energy to be stored for later—and nitrogen fixation—in which plants convert nitrogen from the air into energy — so as not to counteract one another.
4.Sleep, It Does a Body Good

Perhaps the reason for circadian rhythms in humans is simpler: They help you sleep, and sleep is good for you.
When you lay your head down and nod off to the feather ball, your body is restoring itself. That includes basic upkeep and repair like muscle growth, tissue maintenance, protein proction and the release of growth hormones. Those hormones help children develop naturally — exhibit A in the case against little Johnny staying up to watch Jimmy Fallon — but also play a key role in helping alts rebuild tissue over time. In fact, it's believed that some of these functions only happen ring sleep hours. Animals deprived of sleep will lose all immune function and die in just a few weeks. If you've ever popped out of bed after a nice long slumber and felt mentally refreshed, it's probably not just because you spent the night dreaming about being fanned and fed grapes by models poolside at an Italian villa. Sleep helps humans restore their mental energy and cognitive functions that often get tapped out ring waking hours. Our circadian rhythms naturally make us sleepy at night.
3.The Post-Lunch Dip is Natural

Ever wonder why you have to fight the urge to sleep after lunch (unless you're lucky enough to work from home and can give into it)? Your body's circadian rhythm is in a natural resting place after your noontime meal. There's also another system called the sleep/wake homeostatis that tells your body when it's time to sleep, which also occurs after you've been awake for a long time. By 2 p.m., you've usually been awake for at least eight hours. Put those two systems together, alongside a heavy lunch, and it's no wonder you want to take a nap.
Not everyone has this feeling to the same degree but it is a natural one. In fact, for most alts, their strongest sleep drives are at 2 p.m. and 2 a.m., thanks to their circadian rhythms. However, if you got a good night's sleep, your urge to nap at lunchtime will be lessened.
2.Electronic Light Warps the Body Clock

If we've learned anything so far, it's that the body clock is wound generally to correspond to light and dark. When it starts to get dark at night, the brain tells the body it's time for a rest by releasing melatonin into the bloodstream. So, what happens when you literally flip the (light) switch in the evening?
Artificial light can send mixed signals. Yes, a small and strategically located night-light may be necessary for navigating from bedroom to bathroom when ty calls. But other lights could throw your body clock into disarray. That includes illumination coming from a television, computer or smartphone. Many people like to wind down for the night by watching the ol' boob tube -- or streaming entertainment through their computers and tablets. If you bring those devices, and the artificial light that they give off, into bed, however, you may be tricking your brain into thinking it should stay awake.
1.The Body Clock Can Impact the Biological Clock

We've come right back to the "biological clock." Research shows that women who are pregnant or hoping to conceive should listen to their circadian rhythms and avoid artificial light at night. Sleep doesn't just help the body rejuvenate and promote growth in kids; it also protects a woman's eggs from stress. That's because melatonin is believed to have antioxidant qualities and defends the body against inflammation while stimulating the immune system, particularly ring ovulation .
When the lights go on at night, melatonin proction slows or stops. Experts say that women who are expecting should maintain steady sleep patterns that conform with the light and dark cycles going on outside. That means eight hours of darkness with little or no interruptions each night. The dark, not actual sleep, is the key. The body proces melatonin as a reaction to darkness and will continue doing so, even if you can't sleep. Among other effects, researchers have found that disruptions in this routine can lead to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism-related disorders in young children.

㈤ 生理知识:正常人体温为什么能够维持在37摄氏度左右


㈥ 《为何体温在37摄氏度》答案(语文活页上的)急!


㈦ 生活生命与安全教案

防火 防盗 防触电 地震 水灾 等等 关键就是多举一些生活中的实例 还有就是一些案例 这样学生听的就会感兴趣 也不枯燥 或者让同学讲讲自身遇到过的危险 还有就是当时的处理方法 规避危险的案例



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