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发布时间:2021-02-10 10:45:32

『壹』 六年级上册英语期中试卷,最好是三张。

1. ×7和7× 它们的 相同, 不同.
2. 吨= 千克 小时= 分
日= 小时 千米= 米
3.2的倒数是 , 的倒数是 ,1.3的倒数是 .
4.把 改写成两道除法算式 , .
5.雨天占晴天天数的 .把 天天数看作单位“1”, 天
天数是它的 .
6.两个数相除,又叫做两个数的 .a:b(b≠0)其中“:”叫做 ,这个比的前项是 ,后项是 .
7.0.3 : 1的前项扩大10倍,要使比值不变,后项1也应该 ,这是根据 性质.
8.两个三角形面积相等,它们底边长的比是7:8,它们高的比是 .
9.已知右图是一个直角梯形, A B
∠C是∠D的 ,∠B是∠C
的2倍,∠B是 度. D C
10.六(1)班有男生25人,女生20人.女生与男生的人数比是 ,男生与全班人数的比是 .
1.2米铁丝,用去 或用去 米,剩下的一样长. ( )
2.乘积是1的两个数互为倒数. ( )
3.0和1都没有倒数. ( )
4.把一个数平均分成n份,求每份是多少,可以用这个数乘 . 5.一个三角形三条边的比是5 : 6 : 7,周长是54分米,这个三角形三条边的长度分别是15分米,18分米,21分米. ( )
1.从学校走到电影院,甲用8分钟,乙用9分钟,甲和乙每分钟行的路程比是( )
A.8:9 B.9:8 C.8:
2. (A、B都不为0),A B. ( )
A.> B.< C.=
3.一个数乘 ,积是 ,这个数是多少?列式是:( )
A. B. C.
4.60的 相当于80的:( )
A. B. C.
5.比 的 少 的数是:( )
A. B. C.



2.8:0.7 1:0.25

36×( ) ( )×24

[1-( )]÷

(1)已知两个因数的积是 ,一个因数是15,求另一个因数多少?

(2) 加上 除以 的商,所得的和乘 ,积是多少?

少先队大队部买回360本儿童读物,其中科技书占 ,文艺书占 ,其余是连环画.



(1)一个长方体的长和宽都是 分米,高是宽的 .这个长方体中最小的那一个面的面积是多少?

(2)一名成年人身上的血液约占重重的 .体重65千克的人,血液重多少千克?

(3)筑路队修一条10千米的公路.第一天修了全长的 ,第二天修了 米,还有多少千米没有修?

(4)神七飞船上天时随船还搭载了一个科学考察的小卫星,上天后卫星离开飞船的速度是每秒行8000米,这个速度是神七飞船在天上速度的 ,神七飞船在天上每秒行多少米?

(5)实验小学美术组人数是科技组的 ,科技组人数是体育组的 .美术组有40人,体育组有多少人?

年级: 姓名:

题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总分
得 分

1、 的 是( ),( )的 是
2、 的倒数是( ),1的倒数是( )。
3、 平方米=( )平方分米 立方米=( )立方分米
20分=( )时 升=( )毫升
4、把 米长的绳子平均分成10段,每段是这根绳子的 ,每段长( )。
5、三个连续自然数中间的一个数是a,他们的和是( )。
6、一个长方体的棱长总和是72厘米,其中长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,它的高是( )厘米。这个长方体的体积是( )立方厘米。
7、 吨黄豆可榨油 吨,平均每榨1吨油要用( )吨黄豆,平均每吨黄豆可榨( )吨油。
8、用一根48厘米长的铁丝焊成一个正方体,这个正方体的表面积是( )平方厘米,体积是( )立方厘米。
9、16米先增加 ,再增加 ,结果是( )米。
10、李卫家养的母鸡是公鸡的8倍。如果养了x只公鸡,母鸡有( )只,母鸡和公鸡一共有( )只,母鸡比公鸡多( )只。
11、甲乙两个数的和是605,如果在乙数的末尾去掉一个0,那么甲乙两数相等,则甲数是( ),乙数是( )。
12、把三个棱长是2分米的正方体,粘成一个长方体,长方体的表面积是( )平方分米,体积是( )立方分米。

1、 =1.2是下列那个方程的解………………………………………( )。
A、5 -3.4=2.6 B、5 +3.4=2.6 C、3.4-5 =2.6
2、白兔只数是黑兔只数的 ,( )是单位“1”的量。
A、白兔只数 B、黑兔只数 C、总只数
3、李明 小时行 千米,求1小时行多少千米?正确的列式是( )。
A、 B、 C、 D、
4、如果 +7=21,则3 =( )。
A、168 B、84 C、28 D、 26
5、比80的少8的数是( )。
A、13 B、 16 C、 7 D、 23
1、1米的和7米的一样长。 …………………………………………… (   )
2、长方体的长扩大2倍,宽和高不变,它的体积就扩大2倍。………… (   )
3、体积相等的两个正方体,它们的表面积一定相等。…………………… ( )
4、男生人数的是女生人数,女生人数是单位“1”的量。………………… ( )
5、一根米长的绳子,用去,还剩。………………………………………… ( )
3x+2.7=5.94 1.3x-0.44=0.6 6.7x+x=23.1

x-0.1x=1.08 4.5x÷3=0.9 (7-1.4)x+5=7.8

× × × × 15 15÷ ×

4 ×÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ×

(1)一个数的 比它的 多 4,求这个数。


1、 宝华煤矿一号井去年采煤35.1万吨,比二号井的2倍少2.2万吨。二号井去年采煤多少万吨?(方程解)

2、某商场运进200台冰箱,第一天卖出总数的 ,第二天卖出总数的 ,两天一共卖出冰箱多少台?


4、一个长方体钢板,长25分米,宽1.5分米,厚0.04分米。它的占地面积是多少平方分米?已知1立方分米钢板重7 .8千克,这块钢板重多少千克?

5、修一条4000米的公路,已经修了200米,再修多少米正好修完这条公路的 ?



班别: 姓名:成绩:
1、今年黄金周期间北京市民通过旅行社组织的出境游再创新高,达2.3万人,比去年同期增加百分之四十,写成百分数是( )。
2、 ×6表示
3、 米=( )厘米 小时=( )分 3250平方米=( )公顷
4、在( )里填上“< ” 、“=” 、“>”
15× ( )15 ×1( ) 16÷ ( )16
5、小梅将 米的丝带平均截成3段,每段是 米的( ),每段长( )米。
6、小刚将一张长方形纸的一半涂上蓝色,将另一半的 涂上红色,涂上红色的部分是这张纸的( )。
7、 ×( )=( )×9=1=a×( )(a≠0)
8、甲数的 是乙数的 ,乙数是12,甲数是( )。
9、在 、60%、100%和120%中,挑选合适的填入下面括号里。
   ①果园今年的苹果产量是去年产量的( );
   ②一段钢材长( )米;
   ③六(1)班参加体能测试的人数是全班人数的( );
   ④长方形的长是宽的( )。
10、六(2)班有36名学生,每人用 平方米的布做桌布,再用 平方米的布做椅垫。班主任张老师计划买35平方米的布,够吗?( )。实际一共需要用( )平方米布。
11、20是16的( )%; 20比16多( )%。
(1)0.23 24.7%
(2)1.08 109.1%
1、得数是1的两个数互为倒数。 ( )
2、100比50多50%。 ( )
3、 吨,可以写作17%吨。 ( )
4、两个数相乘,积一定小于其中任何一个分数。 ( )
5、周角的 减去平角的 ,差是60°。 ( )
1、n是非0的自然数,下面算式中得数最大的是( )
    ①n×                        ② ÷n                     ③n÷  
2、一桶油重3千克,倒出 后又灌进 千克,这时桶里的油( )
    ①比原来少 ②比原来多 ③与原来同样多
3、种植99棵树,全部成活,成活率是( )。
①99% ②100% ③1%
4、甲船的速度比乙船快2%,即甲船速度是乙船的( )。
①2% ②98% ③102%
5、a÷ (a 、b不等于0)和( )的结果相等。
①a b ② ③
10×X= 33÷X= X× × =4 X× =18×

× × ÷ ÷ × ÷
×4 ×( +7) × + ×

(1)一个数的 是 ,这个数的 是多少? (2) 除 与 的积,商是多少?


(1)某工厂有男生420人,女工人数是男生的 , ?
(2)一条水渠修了 ,正好是200米, ?
(1)四年级有学生147人,五年级学生的人数是四年级的 ,六级学生的人数相当于五年级的 。六年级有学生多少人?(用方程和算术方法解答)(6分)



(4)果店运来一批苹果、梨和香蕉,苹果的重量是梨的 ,梨的重量相当于香蕉的 。运来苹果135吨,运来香蕉多少吨?(5分)


4、. 体育用品商店内(6分)。


+ = ÷ = ÷ = ÷ =
- = ÷ = 5- = ÷ =
+ = × = × = ×3=
× = - = - = - =
÷ = + = - = - =
× = ×135= + = + =
× = + = - = - =
÷ = - = 18× = ÷ =
÷ = ÷ = ÷ = + =
2.4×20= 0.12×3= 0.45×2= 3×1.5=
1.2÷0.3= 1÷2= 4.8×100= 4÷0.2=
0.25×8= 0.89÷8.9= 17.8+2.2= 4.2×5=
0.8÷0.2= 5.79÷0.1= 0.35+0.65= 3.4-1.5=
8.9-0.9= 9.2-9.2= 3.6÷0.4= 0.7×11=
15.15÷15= 0.2×0.3= 1.34×4×2.5= 0.9÷4.5=

1. ×7和7× 它们的 相同, 不同.
2. 吨= 千克 小时= 分
日= 小时 千米= 米
3.2的倒数是 , 的倒数是 ,1.3的倒数是 .
4.把 改写成两道除法算式 , .
5.雨天占晴天天数的 .把 天天数看作单位“1”, 天
天数是它的 .
6.两个数相除,又叫做两个数的 .a:b(b≠0)其中“:”叫做 ,这个比的前项是 ,后项是 .
7.0.3 : 1的前项扩大10倍,要使比值不变,后项1也应该 ,这是根据 性质.
8.两个三角形面积相等,它们底边长的比是7:8,它们高的比是 .
9.已知右图是一个直角梯形, A B
∠C是∠D的 ,∠B是∠C
的2倍,∠B是 度. D C
10.六(1)班有男生25人,女生20人.女生与男生的人数比是 ,男生与全班人数的比是 .
1.2米铁丝,用去 或用去 米,剩下的一样长. ( )
2.乘积是1的两个数互为倒数. ( )
3.0和1都没有倒数. ( )
4.把一个数平均分成n份,求每份是多少,可以用这个数乘 . 5.一个三角形三条边的比是5 : 6 : 7,周长是54分米,这个三角形三条边的长度分别是15分米,18分米,21分米. ( )
1.从学校走到电影院,甲用8分钟,乙用9分钟,甲和乙每分钟行的路程比是( )
A.8:9 B.9:8 C.8:
2. (A、B都不为0),A B. ( )
A.> B.< C.=
3.一个数乘 ,积是 ,这个数是多少?列式是:( )
A. B. C.
4.60的 相当于80的:( )
A. B. C.
5.比 的 少 的数是:( )
A. B. C.



2.8:0.7 1:0.25

36×( ) ( )×24

[1-( )]÷

(1)已知两个因数的积是 ,一个因数是15,求另一个因数多少?

(2) 加上 除以 的商,所得的和乘 ,积是多少?

少先队大队部买回360本儿童读物,其中科技书占 ,文艺书占 ,其余是连环画.



(1)一个长方体的长和宽都是 分米,高是宽的 .这个长方体中最小的那一个面的面积是多少?

(2)一名成年人身上的血液约占重重的 .体重65千克的人,血液重多少千克?

(3)筑路队修一条10千米的公路.第一天修了全长的 ,第二天修了 米,还有多少千米没有修?

(4)神七飞船上天时随船还搭载了一个科学考察的小卫星,上天后卫星离开飞船的速度是每秒行8000米,这个速度是神七飞船在天上速度的 ,神七飞船在天上每秒行多少米?

(5)实验小学美术组人数是科技组的 ,科技组人数是体育组的 .美术组有40人,体育组有多少人?

六年级上册期中试卷 姓名 得分
(1)在同一个圆内,有(    )条直径,有(    )条半径;直径的长度都是半径长度的(    )倍。
(2)36的( )是27,36是( )的 。
(3) ×( )=6×( )= ×( )= ×( )=1
(4) 已知圆的直径d,周长C=(      );已知圆的半径r,周长C=(      )。
(5)一件工作,8小时完成,每小时完成这件工作的( ),3小时完成这件工作的(——)。
(6)把 米长的绳子平均剪成10段,每段是全长的( ),每段长( )米。
(8)一根电线长20米,用去它的 ,还剩( )米。
(1)一个不为0的数除以 ,这个数就( )。
A、扩大7倍 B、缩小7倍 C、减少7倍
(2)一个圆的周长是6.28米,它的面积是(    )平方米。
  A. 2            B. 3.14            C. 1
(3)一件工程,甲队单独做需5天完成,乙队单独做需4天完成,甲乙两队的工作效率的比是( )。
A、5 :4 B、4 :5 C、 :
(4)一个圆的半径扩大3倍,它的周长(    ),面积(    )。
  A.扩大3倍    B.扩大9倍    C.缩小3倍    D.缩小9倍 
(5)女生人数占全班人数的 ,则男生人数相当于女生人数的( )。
A、 B、1 倍 C、

= = 18× = 3= 10÷ = 6.8×80=

× + 6 ( - )

(1) 挖一条20千米的水渠,(2) 第一天挖了全长的 ,(3) 第二天挖了全长的 。




班级 姓名 成绩
一、直接写出得数 6%
+ = - = 12× =
÷3= ×14= 20÷ =
× = 0× = ÷ =
÷ = ÷1= 14× ÷14× =
二、填空 22%(每题2分)
1、 9÷( )= = ( ) : 8 = =( )(填小数)
2、 小时=( )分 3.02千米=( )千米( )米
3、 公顷的 是( )公顷。 ( )米的 是100米。
4、 : 的比值是( );把1.2米:75厘米化成最简单的
整数比是( )
5、把5米长的铁丝平均分成8段,每段占全长的 ,两段长( )米。
6、一项工程,甲独做5小时完成,乙独做4小时完成,甲、乙两人的工作时间比是( ),甲、乙的工作效率比是( )
7、 A = B,那么A:B =( ):( )。如果A=24 ,那么 B=( )
8、一袋大米50千克,第一周吃掉了它的 ,还剩( )千克。
9、把10克的糖放入100克的水中,糖占水的( ),糖和糖水的比是( )
10、男生比女生多 ,男生是女生的( ),女生比男生少( )。
边长( )米
三、判断 ( 对的打“√” 错的打“×” ):5%
1、圆的直径是半径的2倍。……………………………………………… ( )
2、一个数(0除外)除以真分数,所得的商大于这个数。………… ( )
3、一条彩带截去 米和截去它的 ,剩下的部分一样长。………… ( )
4、圆的半径扩大3倍,它的周长也扩大3倍。 ………………………… ( )
5、 A:B = 5:4 ,那么A比B多 。…………………………………( )
四、选择正确答案的序号填在括号里( 3%)
1、一个三角形,三个内角的度数比是1:3:6 这个三角形是( )
A 、锐角三角形 B 、直角三角形 C、 钝角三角形
2、如果甲数的 等于乙数的 (甲、乙两数都不等于零),那么( )
A、甲> 乙 B 甲< 乙 C、 甲= 乙
3、一辆汽车 小时行驶30千米,行1千米需要多长时间,列式是( )
A、 B、 C、 30 D、 30
五、计算 35%
+ + + × + × ÷0.8÷

1- ÷ ÷4× ( - )×36

3X- = X+ X= X÷ =
3、文字题 6%
减去 乘 的积,差是多少? 一个数的 加上 ,和是 。这个数是多少?

六、看图填空 6%(1+1+2+2)

七、解决问题 25%
在校运会中,运动员需要720张的号码布,保管室里已经有 的号码布,还要定做多少张号码布才够用?


3、东风机床厂四月份生产机床400台,五月份比四月份增产 。五月份生产机床多少台?


有六张数学期中试卷。。。 有些坏了。。。。。。。

『贰』 六年级英语期中考卷

2007-10-09 六年级英语第一学期第一单元试卷(人教版)

选择 ( )1、I usually go to school ______bike. A. on B. by C. usually ( )2、I go to school __foot, because my home is _____. A by fast B on near C by near ( ) 3、How can I _____ the zoo? A go B get C get to ( )4、You can go by ______bus. A ..

2007-08-22 2006年小学升初中英语试题

2006年小学英语升学试题听力部分一,选择听到的单词(10分) ( )1.A.just B.last C.first D.bird ( )2.A.clothes B.close C.clock D.clean (; )3.A.think B.thin C.thank D.thick ( )4.A.exciting B.exercise C.interesting D.computergame ( )5.A.front B.fruit C.free D.friend ( )6.A.hall B.tall C.hot D.hard ..

2007-12-12 小学英语期末检测卷(六年级上)

六年级英语期末检测卷(上) …… 五,Listen and arrange. 听对话,将下列句子按顺序标号. ( ) Shes quiet, she likes music. Whats her name ( ) Whos she ( ) A girl ( ) I have a good friend. ( ) Boy or girl ( ) Her name is Amy. 笔试部分六,Look and link. 将图片与相应单词的首写字母大写连起来. ..

2007-12-12 2007学年度小学六年级(上)英语期末测试题

二,单词,词组辨认.(20%) 1,如图示,选择正确单词,写在横线上.(10分) Im_______my flowers. (watering.tiding.closing) Shes_______bread. (cuting.cutting.washing ) He want to_________. (go ballooning.go sailing.write a report) He__________. (likes math.doesnt like math.dont like math) _________does your..

2007-12-12 PEP7英语六年级上学期期末测试卷

PEP7六年级上学期期末英语测试卷 2007.1 姓名__________ 学号 __________ 成绩 听 力 部 分一、根据录音内容选择听到的单词、词组或者句子。 1. What are you going to do ? A. this morning B. this afternoon C. this evening 2. I’m going to ? ..

2007-12-12 六年级英语上期末检测卷听力材料

嘉兴市小学英语六年级上期末检测卷听力材料 (2007.1) 第一大题:听录音,选择所听到的单词,词组或句子.现在请看第一题.(M / W)(break 00 02) (each item: break 0002 , repeat)(between items: break 0010) 1. My uncle always rides a bike to work. 2. My neighbour is a cleaner. 3. My mother watches TV on Sunda..

2007-12-12 六年级英语上期末模拟检测卷

小学英语六年级上期末模拟检测卷 2007.1 班级: 学号: 姓名: 成绩: 听力部分(Listening part ) 第一大题:listen and choose.听音选择.(根据录音内容选择听到的单词,词组,单词或者句子) 1,A. playing B. play C. plays 2,A. On feet B. By foot C. On foot 3.I like________ A. Swiming B. Swimming C. Swim 4,A..

2007-12-12 五年级英语上学期期末复习

五年级上学期英语期末复习姓名_________ 学号________ 班别_________ 按实际情况回答问题: 1) How many days are there in January _________________________________ 2) How many terms are there in a year _________________________________ 3) How do you get to your school __________________________..

2007-12-12 小学五年级(上)英语期末试题

一,根据图片,正确书写出下列单词.(10%) d___lph___n d___ct___r sh___ ___t sn___ ___kers cl___ ___dy 得 分二,根据所给的图片和字母,正确书写出关于季节,气候的单词写在四线格内.(10%) ingrps nitrew msumer uumnat rina 得 分三,请找出与词组对应的图片,将其序号写在括号内.(10%) ( )1,climb the mountain ..

2007-12-12 小学英语五年级(上)期末检测卷

五年级英语(上)期末检测卷 …… 三,Listen and arrange. (听对话,将下列句子按顺序标号.10%) ( )I can see a lake, a river, a path and a mountain. ( )What can you see on your way back home ( )Yes, there are. Theyre very beautiful. ( )Are there any flowers near the path ( )And there is a forest. I ..


『叁』 六年级上册英语期中考试试卷

听力部分 (30分)

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。

( ) 1. A. away B. way C. always

( ) 2. A. quiet B. quick C. quickly

( ) 3. A. twelfth B. twentieth C. twenty

( ) 4. A. cartoon B. costume C. carry

( ) 5. A. June B. July C. juice

( ) 6.A. March B. match C. much

( ) 7.A. 4:20 B. 2.40 C. 4:12

( ) 8.A. of B. off C. out

二、 听问句,选出正确的答句。

( ) 1. A. On a farm. B. In a school. C. In a factory.

( ) 2. A. Monday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.

( ) 3. A. Sure, I‘d love to. B. I like a big birthday cake.

C. I like making puppets.

( ) 4.A. Perhaps they are behind the sofa.

B. Maybe it’s under the sofas.

C. It‘s between the chairs, I think.

( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he was. C. Yes, he did.


( ) 1. A. in the cornerB. in front of the TVC. on the floor

( ) 2. A. No parkingB. No litteringC. No smoking

( ) 3. A. on the 6th of August . B. on the 16th of August.

C. on the 16th of October.

( ) 4. A. on the ground B. in my pocketC. on the table

( ) 5. A. on the 3rd of October. B. on the 3rd of November.

C. on the 3rd of December

四、 听录音,判断下列图片是否正确。

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

五、 听录音,将下列对话或短文补充完整。10’

Traveling is my ______ , so I _______ to Qing with my mother this summer vocation. Qing is a _______ near the sea. Because this is my ________ time to see the sea, I felt very ________. The sea is very clean and wide. We ________ fish and other things in the sea ,then we _________ and ate them. It was so delicious. In the _________ morning ,we watched the sunrise. Woo, how ________ it was! That ________ one of my favourite trips. I like it so much.



( ) 1. A. near B. bear C. year D. hear

( ) 2. A. bright B. might C. eighty D. tonight

( ) 3. A. camp B. apple C. hat D. grape

( ) 4. A. theatre B. bread C. head D. sweater

( ) 5. A. sports B. worker C. morning D. forty


1. 寻找他的眼镜 _______________ 6. 在四月 ________________

2.禁止乱丢杂物 ____________ 7.去年________________

3. 勿踏草坪____________ 8.No shaking trees _____________

4. 在五月三日 ____________ 9.take off her gloves___________

5. 拔胡萝卜 ____________ 10. two pieces of paper___________


1. I often __________ (play) computer games at the weekends.

I _________ computer games last weekend.

2. There _________ (be) a pair of earphones on the bed just now.

3. My sister ____________(not go) to the zoo last Sunday .

4. I __________ (live) in a small town two years ago .

But now I _______ in Shanghai.

5. Did you ________ (read ) magazines a moment ago? No, I _________.

I_________( run) in the playground.

6. Mike likes (take) photos. He ______ lots of photos last week.

7. All the people are very .They are having an __________ running race. (excite)

8. Would you like ___________ (taste) some strawberries?

9. Shall we ________ (ask) (he) the question?


( ) 1. The book _______on the chair just now . Where _______ it now?

A. is; is B. was; is C. was; was

( ) 2. My sister likes ________ music after lunch .

A. listening to B. listen to C. to listen

( ) 3. My uncle‘s son is my _________ .

A. brother B. cousin C. father

( ) 4. Yang Ling must ________ clothes every day .

A. wash B. washs C. washes

( ) 5. I want to learn a lot _________ stamps .

A. of B. about C. with

( ) 6. The photos are under the bed . He can’t pick ________ .

A. up it B. up them C. them up

( ) 7. It‘s time for________ home . Let’s ______.

A. us to go, go B. we to go, to go C. I to go, go

( )8. It means “Danger” and we shouldn‘t __________ it.

A. keep off B. touch C. stay away from

( ) 9. Did you ________ the food there ? Yes, it was delicious.

A. like B. likes C. liked

( ) 10. Where ________ you yesterday ? I _______ at a camp.

A. was, was B. was , were C. were, was


1. She’d like making a cake for her family. ( )


2. Look! The children swim in the river now. ( )


3. Where were you go just now? ( )


4. The children want a ball. Please give one to he. ( )


5. My birthday is in the fourth of February. ( )



1. 看鸟笼上的那个标志,上面说:你不应该在这儿吃喝。

Look at the sign on the _________ _________.

It “ You eat or drink here.”

2. 你昨天做了什么?我和我父母参观了一个农场。我们在那挤牛奶了。那很有趣!

What _________ you do yesterday? I _________ a farm with my _______.

We ______ ________ there. That _______ _______!

3. 我每天放学后看卡通片,但昨天我没有看,我做家庭作业了。

I _________ cartoons _________ school every day . But I _________ watch them yesterday, I _________ my homework .

4. 你想要什么作为生日礼物?我想要一些图画书。

What you like birthday _________ ?

I‘d like some ________ _________.


Last Sunday was my birthday. I h a birthday party at home. All my f_______ came to my home. Jenny gave me a lovely doll as a birthday p _______ . Jim dressed up in costumes and I thought he was the Monkey King. I got a skateboard from h______ . We s ______ the song “Happy Birthday to You” and then I blew out the ten

c _______ on the cake and made a wish. Do you want to know what my wish was? Haha, that‘s a secret! We had lots of f______ that day!



Long, long ago, there lived a young boy called John. He lived with his mother. One morning the mother went out. Before she left, she said to him: “John, while I’m away , stay near the door and watch it all the time ! ‘ She said this because there were a lot of thieves (小偷) in their country .

John sat down next to the door. A few minutes later one of his aunts came. She asked “Where’s your mother?‘’ “She‘s out,” John answered. ’Oh. ‘ said his aunt, ’We‘re going to visit your house. Go and tell your mother.’

His aunt then went away, and John began to think, ‘Mother said,“Watch the door all the time!” and the aunt said,“ Go and tell your mother.”’

He thought and thought, then, at last, he had a nice idea . He pulled the door down, put it on his back and went to his mother with it.

( ) 1. His mother asked him to stay near the door all the time and watch it .

( ) 2. There weren‘t any thieves in his country .

( ) 3. John’s brother came to visit them that morning .

( ) 4. John went to look for his mother with the door on his back in the end .

( ) 5. John is a stupid(愚蠢的) boy .


A young man is sitting in a bus. An old woman gets on the bus and stands in front of him. The young man stands up. The woman pushes (推) him back into his seat and says, “Don‘t stand up. I don’t want to sit down.”

The bus stops then. The man stands up again. The woman pushes him down and says, “You don‘t have to give me your seat. I like to stand.”

The bus stops again. The man stands up for the third time. The woman tries to push him down again. The man shouts (喊叫) , “Don’t push me, please. I have to get off the bus!”

( ) 1. The young man is in a bus and the woman is in the bus.

A. sitting, standing B. standing, sitting C. standing, standing

( ) 2. The young man is the old woman.

A. in front of B. behind C. under

( ) 3. The young man stands up for times, but the woman pushes him down.

A. one B. two C. three

( ) 4. The young man stands up again and again, because .

A. He wants to get off the bus. B. He likes standing.

B. He wants to give the seat to the woman.

( ) 5. At last, the young man is very .

A. happy B. angry C. nice


Mr Black is a teacher of English. He is not a very young man, but he is not old. He knows three languages, and reads and speaks and writes them well. He reads many books and writes some.

It is almost eleven o‘clock by the study clock, but he works late, sometimes till one o’clock in the morning. His big desk is in the middle of the room. On the shelf around the wall there are some books. He teaches students of Grade Six. He works every day except Saturday and Sunday. Those days are holidays.


1. What‘s Mr Black’s job?____________________________

2. What grade does he teach? _______________________________

3. Where‘s his big desk?______________________________

4. What time is it by his study clock?__________________________________

5. Does Mr Black work at the weekends?______________________________


五、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。


五、 听录音,将下列对话或短文补充完整。

Traveling is my hobby, so I went to Qing with my mother this summer vocation. Qing is a city near the sea. Because this is my first time to see the sea, I felt very excited. The sea is very clean and wide. We caught fish and other things in the sea ,then we cooked and ate them. It was so delicious. In the early morning ,we watched the sunrise. Woo, how beautiful it was!

That was one of my favourite trips. I like it so much.

『肆』 pep小学英语六年级上册期中试卷

一、 Listen and choose. 听音辩词。
1.①playground ②restaurant ③school
2.①ck ②kangaroo ③koala
3.①sell ②lift ③send
4.①postcard ②language ③Australia
5.①because ②why ③before

二、 Listen and tick.听音选句子。

1. A 图片:超市 B 公园

2.A 水果 B糖果
3. A 重的 B轻的

4.A 万圣节 B复活节

三、 Listen and tick. 听音选句子。
①_____ ②_____ ③_____ ④_____ ⑤_____
A. There are many cks now.
B. There is a playground now.
C. There were many fruits in the supermarket.
D. There was only a slide before.
E. There wasn’t a pond here before.

四、 Choose the best answer.选择题。
1. What is Halloween? _____
A .It’s a spring festival. B. It’s a summer festival
C. It’s an autumn festival.
2. Children wear _____clothes on Halloween.
A. beautiful B. scary C. big
3. There are many Easter eggs and Easter hats on _____
A. Easter B. Halloween C. Christmas
4. This one is ____.I can’t lift it.
A. long B. heavy C. different
5.—Why do you like _____?
—Because I like Australian animals.
A. Australia B. China C. America
6. —I’m going to go to England.
A. They scare the people. B.I am going to go, too.
7.—What do you ______?
—I want a CD.
A. like B. want C. go
8. I will send you a ____from England.
A. postcard B. country C. ck

五、 Read and choose.读一读,选一选。
1.Are there cks on the hats?

A. Yes, there are. B. No. there aren’t.
B. 2.When is Easter?

A. It is in spring. B. It is in autumn.
B. 3.Why do you love Australia?

A. Because I love kangaroos and koalas. B. Because I love pandas. 4. What do you want?

A.I want a big apple. B. I want an egg.
5.Where are you going to go to ?

A. I’m going to go to America. B. I’m going to go to China.

六、 Reorder the words to make sentences.造句。
1. Does / look /London /different /now/?
Does London look different now?
2. wasn’t /pond /There / a /before/
3. are / many/ There/ fruits.
1. do /Australia/like/you/why/?
2. We’ll/postcard/China/from/send/you/

七、 Read an tick.读一读,勾一勾。

『伍』 小学六年级英语上册期中考试题

一.划出划线部分不同于其他三个的单词 (10分)
1.( ) 1.seat 2. read 3. bread 4. team
2.( )1. apple 2. fat 3.china 4. bag
3.( )1. this 2. three 3. that 4. there
4.( )1.side 2. library 3. right 4. hospital
5.( )1. what 2. where 3.whom 4.when
6.( )1. must 2. uncle 3. busy 4. bus
7.( )1.go 2. dog 3. hot 4. off
8.( )1. country 2. cinema 3. cat 4. class
9.( )1. then 2. every 3. remember 4. next
10. ( )1. please 2. season 3. great 4. east
sw s c__ __d sl__d__ l__b__ar__ p ll w
v__ s__e book__ __elf tele one bes__de sees
三.连词成句,注意标点 (10)
1. how cinema to go do on you Sundays Mike

2.can go the bus on stop we to foot

3.are three in country there lights every traffic

4.the is where office post

5.are you what to on the going do weekend

四.选词填空.( 10分)

1、The flowers are in the of the tree.
2、There is a pen the pencil-box.
3、The girl are the old tree.
4、The children are the wall.
5、The computer room is the gym.
五.选择题 20分
1、Thanks a lot

A、It’s my pleasure B、 thank you C、It doesn’t matter
2、Lily and mary are the swings
A、on B、under C、 behind
3、It’s too far
I take a bus?
A、Can B、shall C、would
4、Today is
A、Teacher’s day B、Teachers’ day C、Teacher day
5、Where is the gym?
It’s the office building.
A、under B、next C、near
6、There a clock, a vase with some flowers and tow books on the desk.
A、is B、are C、am
7、I have IP card
A、a B、an C、the
8、The dog and cat under the desk.
A、are B、is C、Are
9、--Hi Is mary in ?
--just a moment(选出划线部分的另一种表达方法)
A、Wait for B、wait a moment C、Waiting for
10、Are there any children under the tree?

A、yes, they are B、yes ,there are
六.读一读,用所给单词的正确形式填空 (8分)
1.I _____ (go) to school by bike.
2.What _____(do) he do on Sundays.
3.You _____ (can)get there on foot.
4.When are you going to _____ (swim)?
5.We _____ (have)lunch at 12:00.
6.He must _____(wait)here.
7.My father_____ (like)Chinese.
8.He _____ (drive)a car.
七.先把错误的地方圈出来,再在原句上改过来 (12分)
1.What does you do on weekend?

2.How can I get there.

3.He go to school on foot.

4.My father and my mother is teachers.

5.What are you go to do this afternoon?

6.Can you get there in 6:00?

八、阅读共10 (分)
Tom is my good friend .we often play together after class.
I came to tom’s family with my mother yesterday. Tom and his mother,Mrs Green, met us at the door .I took a flower with me ,and I hid it behind me. I wanted to borrow a new CD from tom and to send a flower to him.He likes flowers very much. And he bought a very beautiful vase this Monday.
、When did the girl come to tom’s fmily?
A、Today B、Tomorrow C、Yesterday
、Who met the girl and her mother?
A、Tom B、Mrs Green C、Yom and his mother
、Where was the flower?
A、In the vase B、Behind the girl C、In tom’ hand
、What did the girl want to do?
A、Borrow a CD from Tom B、Send Tom a flower
C、A and B
、When did Tom buy the vase ?
A、Yesterday B、Monday C、Today
要求:1.请用be going to 句式写话.

『陆』 人教版六年级上册英语期中试卷的作文是什么


『柒』 六年级上册英语期末测试卷及答案

( )1.A. behind B. building C. beside
( )2. A. past B. first C. face
( )3. A. listen B. lesson C. lessons
( )4. A. floor B.four C. from
( )5. A. live B. left C. let
( )6. A. red B. ride C. rice
( )7. A. aunt B. art C. car
( )8. A. sports B. skate C. sweep
( )1.A. All right . B. No, I don’t. C.Yes, we do.
( )2. A. Yes , it’s old. B.Oh, how nice!
C. Why do you say that?
( )3. A.He’s making a model car. B. No,he isn’t.
C.He can sing an English song.
( )4. A. Yes,very much. B.Forty yuan. C.They are lovely pandas.
( )5. A.Let’s go and help her. B.Let’s go and join them.
C. Let’s go and read books in the reading room.
( )6. A.I can see six . B. It’s a diamond . C. Yes, I can.
( )7. A.They have a telescope . B. They are near a hill.
C. They are having a camping trip.
( )8. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes,I am. C. Yes,I can.
Hello, I’m Mike. Let me show you a _____ of my _________.Look , we are ______ in my bedroom. I’m __________ on the _______ and playing_________ ________.Yang Ling is playing with a ________. David is standing_________ me. He’s ________ a picture book. LiuTao and Gao Shan are _______ a ________ ______.We are ________very happy.

一、 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(8分)
( )1.A.this B. thank C.that D.there
( )2. A.sports B.plates C.grapes D.that’s
( )3. A.vase B.stand C.after D.father
( )4. A.puppet B.brush C.music D.puzzle
( )5. A.show B.flower C.brown D.down
( )6. A.red B.behind C. chess D. bed
( )7. A.ride B.ring C. with D.milk
( )8. A.home B.go C.oval D. song
1. I ______ a new mask . My brother ________ a pumpking lantern.(have)
2.There are some ___________ on the table .(glass)
3. Do you have ___________ story book? (some)
4.He’s ______________ the windows and doors.(clean)
5.Nancy and I don’t like _______________.(swim)
6.Look! Miss Gao has some tins of _____________.(fish)
7.The ___________ are near the tent.(child)
8.They are in the big tree . Let’s go and help _________.(they)

8.互相帮助 __________________

( )1.—You have a nice coat.
A.Yes, it’s nice. B.Thank you. C.OK. D.You’re right.
( )2. -- _______ he like PE?
-- Yes,he _________.
A.Do; do B.Does;do C. Does ;does D. Do;does
( )3.—How much are these things?
-- _____________.
A. Forty—five yuan B.Yes,they are. C.Here you are.
D. No , they aren’t.
( )4.—Where’s Helen?
--She __________ under the tree.
A.standing B.is sitting C.sits D.has
( )5.Let’s buy some cards ______ our friends.
A.for B.to C.of D.at

( )6.-- _____ in your box?
--Some fruits.
A.Who’s B.Where’s C.What’s D.Which is
( )7.I have some ______ in the bottle.
A.pineapple B.oranges C.grapes D.pears
( )8.—What’s your mother ?
--She’s __________.
A.tall B.forty C.a driver D. fat
( )9.—What shape is the box?
--It’s ____________.
A. a heart B.yours C.red D.nice
( )10._______ any newspapers in the reading room?
A.Is there B.There is C.Are there D.There are
__________ _______you _________, Ben?
I can ____________.
My ________ _________ work ________ ________.
__________ _________ your ____________?
__________ ________many ____________ and a school.
Who _______ a __________?
I _________ one.
The ________ hall is on the __________ __________.
_______ you __________ ________?
__________ ________ you like?
I like _______________.

On Sundays we often go to the ___1____ near our school. There are many____2_____ in it----tigers, elephants, pandas and monkeys. The ____3_____are very big. They all have ____4_____noses. Their noses can ___5_____ them eat and drink. Tigers are very____6_____. They often run about. They don’t like to ____7_____in the zoo. Many people like ____8_____.They are animals of China. But I like monkeys most(最). We like __10_____ to the zoo . We can____8_____ more (更多) about animals there.
( )1.A.park B.school C.zoo D.the shop
( )2. A.people B.children C.animals D.things
( )3. A.elephants B.tigers C.pandas D.monkeys
( )4. A.long B.short C.free D.small
( )5. A.give B.help C.make D.get
( )6. A.strong B.hungry C.happy D.careful(小心)
( )7. A.eat B.play C.walk D.live
( )8. A.elephants B.pandas C.tigers D.monkeys
( )9. A.go B.going C.are going D.goes
( )10. A.see B.play C.get D.know
Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown.

( )1. Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife.
A. a city B. a small town C. a big town
( )2. He works_________ days a week in his office.
A. four B. five C. six
( )3. He isn’t _________on Saturdays and Sundays.
A. free B. busy C. happy
( )4. He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays.
A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon
C. looking at his garden
( )5. Mrs Brown _________ the flowers.
A. like B. doesn’t like C. often helps



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